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Everything posted by alhoon

  1. Javelins certainly need ammo though as far as logic is concerned. Batons that heal \ shape ammo is one thing. But Javelins duplicating themselves? Meh.
  2. No more useless javelins? That's heresy! Apostasy! Apostasy and heresy! Roamers: I think glass cannon is better. Vlish Debuffs. I like your idea of taking unique weapons, perfect them and then turn them to nice things.
  3. NPC Cryodrayks? For balance reasons I guess. And while a savage Cryora could be useful till the end game... she would be a total annihilator at levels 8-9 or so... You get Cryoras VERY early.
  4. While you're right there's not enough to the game to make player want to keep their old creations, I would panic a lot more if my 12-to-40+ (ending lvl 44) level Cryora was close to die than any of my creations. I liked her. Not reason enough to keep her? Perhaps. But not reason enough to ditch her either as the game was at such difficulty that I could spare the slot without trouble. And at level 40+ with all my artifacts and boosted dex? She didn't need resistances. She was almost never hit.
  5. I actually kept my cryora alive to the very end. Boosted her starts too in the end. A 44 lvl Cryora with extra stats costs like a Cryodrayk and is better or same.
  6. Never put too much thought on which podling I would custom-copy-paste for the player, since I never put too much thought in putting them in. Podlings are Rebel only and made by that Drakon that makes the Shredbugs IIRC. Patchworks outside the foundry are rogue IIRC. Charged creation... I used the Kyshaaks extensively as suicide bombers in the late game. ALSO: You were right that I got Wingbolts before Gazer. I loaded a fairly old game. Tralls was the ones I got early on. Still kept the Kyshaak I had in that save and I don't regret it. Leveled up Kyshaak suit my game better.
  7. I haven't read the whole conversation yet, but I'll reply to a couple things: Gazers: I may remember wrong. Perhaps it was Tralls I got before Wingbolts and between Tralls and Kyshaaks Wingbolts while powerful were a waste of essence. Expensive podlings: It would be easy to increase their damage. I was talking about a character specific podling, not messing with the rest. Also Weak attack against 3 enemies = 3 weak attacks, don't forget that. A podling is an always-hit mass Vlish attack. Vlish: It's not that those flying sacks of tentacles would win any beauty pageants... Glaahks: At least they have a specific function: being close combat magic creations. On the ugliness of Podlings: That Drakon fellow made them. Obviously drakons have different views on form. But the patchworks? Those were made by Shapers! They are in the foundry. No wonder they're in the foundry and in just a few other places.
  8. Sad to hear about the lack of a way to add more damage types or status effects. Yet, there was a misunderstanding: Poison, acid, that electric aura thing...different forms of damage IMO even if they are just status effects. Like Rotgroth's attacks. Wingbolts: By the time I got them, I already had Gazers. Never built a wingbolt in the game (not that I built Glaahks) but I could have used a mass-curse creation. But taking out Wingbolts? For ugly things like podlings? Nah, couldn't get myself to do it. That's like changing Alphas (boring and kinda weak for their cost) with patchworks (equally boring and uglier). Couldn't even get myself to have Podlings join the party like I do with NPCs.
  9. Gamerman: There has been a lot of work on changing creations already. More or less it's... in a Thread I don't remember. Someone changed the PC roamers to something else and I think that's the most interesting change since Roamers are the weakest IMO. There has been a couple of people talking about them. I have been thinking for example to change wingbolts with podlings for the PC. But that seemed strange. Clawbugs were quite powerful IMO as they were but each to its own. Idonotexist: I think it's possible to give multiple status effect and attack types. Not on the weapon itself but on a new attack type. However, I'm not an expert. Gamerman has pulled some nice effects on the artifact baton and I think he could tell us if there could be multiple attack types and effects.
  10. Nah, he was less powerful than my creations apparently. All those +4 to creations stats added up and Clunky was the odd one. Missing 55% of the time. Had to bless and shield him before sending him to delay ~6-7 powerful creations. He didn't hold a single round poor shod. Clunky had about 1000 hp. I knew about the advanced combat speed in battle, but frankly 50% speed increase was not that much. After doing a few things, the player can opt for Shaping himself (well, allowing an NPC to do it actually) to give him 50% speed increase the same way or some other modification. I wanted to make poor Clunky a memorable creation without making him 35 level or something. If I make a Clawbug with my character, it would be worse. But simply put Clunky doesn't come close to Tralls or Gazers.
  11. This just added to my warrior mod. spawn_creature(47); set_level(47+8, 25); set_boss_level(47+8,1); set_attack_bonus(47+8, 2); set_name(47+8,"Clunky"); set_attitude(47+8,0); set_walk_speed(47+8,42); set_new_abil(47+8,12); // Thanks Gamerman112358! Haven't reached Batons yet... In case you wonder, Clunky is an augmented (as you can see) stinging Clawbug that aside of else causes fear with his stinger. Through things I won't spoil, Clunky is a temporary ally of the player. Not added to the party, but under the player's control. Clunky may help the player in combat or be thrown to delay enemies and die bravely while the player opts for... less call it self-preservation over glory and makes a tactical retreat. And yes, the thank you will be in the script.
  12. Never used a vampiric weapon to know... Can't be less useful than the items that reduce energy needed by 5% when my Shaper barely drops below half energy.
  13. Serviles may not need them, but they can get the batons anyway.
  14. First to reply! I can confirm it works. I find the batons a tad too powerful personally and they are useful to every class, not just Baton warriors. I.e. A Shaper that never uses batons would benefit greatly from them. They are simply put, amazing. Yes, they are artifact level. My Shaper that never put a point in missile, deals more damage with the Bastion that with his ice spell. And that's nice. SUGGESTION: I would suggest removing the recipe from the readme and put it in a different file, for people that want to experiment with combinations and discover them in game and of course for people (like me) that want to include them in mods that finding the recipe for a Baton that deals as much damage as a Submission baton and curses enemies to boot is a goal and quest on itself. EDIT: I lied. I didn't nerf everything. I bumped up Ether Onyx Baton a little; slow is in my opinion not as good as curse and this baton requires a perfected Baton. It should IMO be a more competitive option. And frankly, those resistance bonuses it gives come handy... QUESTION: Why not give spellcraft boost to Channeler Baton instead of bonus to all three spellcasting skills? In order to open up spells? I am hesitant to turn those bonuses to spellcraft because Guardians DO lack in magic and perhaps opening up the higher spells is OK. Also a Servile with this Baton would be worse than an Unbound... "BUG" found: More probably an omission but the smith while saying he needs 100 coins, doesn't ask them or takes them from the player.
  15. Probably not. Can be done with Script. Using a similar script like in Perikalia when you buy Alphas etc (I could copy-paste it here) you could have a flag like sf(95,1,0) [Friend absent] \ sf(95,1,1) [Friend with you] \ sf(95,1,2) [Friend with you and stronger] and go on he\she\it joins alter_stat(XX,gf(95,1)*2); and once he\she\it leaves: alter_stat(XX,-gf(95,1)*2); With XX being the stat you want to raise. From Spellcraft, stregth, unlock spell or other abilities. And you can still make them on top of the Baton. Also, those don't deal a lot of ranged damage and status effects. If that baton was available when playing a Shaper, I would go for that artifact perhaps, despite not using batons. Very much appreciated! Still, I think you should release them. I'll be happy to take a look and offer feedback if you want and send them back to you so you can make any last-minute changes and release friend. Since you are willing to share (and rightfully! The artifact batons as an idea is very cool) why not bless the rest of the community with it, making the Fighting people's work a little easier? Mera Tev is quite early. Early enough to generate attention.
  16. How fortunate. I was at the time, like 5 minutes ago, considering posting here how it goes with the artifact batons and weapons since I decided I will include a variation in the warrior mod. After all, it's for warriors. I'll read your ideas and perhaps adapt some of them. I don't mind "locking out" some artifact choices for warriors\Guardians. It's a matter of balance too and not all components are needed IMO. I'll have to find a way to pass the recipes though to the player so he or she can decide whether to go for it, or not. About items required for your mods: You could always add them as quest rewards. Or drops. For example there's a HUGE rebel force in the fens that you can defeat (including 4 Unbound) and if you do, you don't get ANY reward. Completely anticlimactic. Killing Litalia? OK, you get a nice text and some goodish loot. Those, and more, could also have artifact materials. EDIT: OK checked a few of them. With your permission I will "steal" the idea of Perfected+Crafting material since I like it. About feedback: They're insanely powerful in my opinion. So powerful that they would make the game a stroll... Channeler: +4 to magic? For the characters supposedly weaker in magic? O_O That breaks class balance I think. Bastion: That's a big defense bonus (armor bonus+dex) and the bastion packs a terrible attack to boot. My opinion? Tone down the bonuses but I love the "theme" of the crafting materials adding to the perfected baton according to what they can do. While I will not keep the bonuses you give, I will, with your permission, use the names, recipes and "spirit" for a couple of them.
  17. And that's how you make new character classes. Put Shaping to 0 for Shaping powers (including healing but also making Fyoras) and put the points elsewhere; to magic for mages, to combat stats for warriors. Add a couple of points just in case. Cannisters should IMO still increase Shaping, as should training. While technically the player may get away sooner by putting points in shaping before finding a canister\trainer for "the first steps", I don't think it would be a problem in the long run.
  18. Personally, I haven't tried to add new classes. A mage class would basically be like a sorceress without shaping. A fighter class would basically be like a Guardian without Shaping. It would definitely make the game harder, and IMO you would need to add a couple of support NPCs, at least until the player reaches Perikalia and can buy Battle Betas and artillae.
  19. Thank you for the kind words. Never say you're not be able to do it yourself. You wouldn't know unless you try and you would get better with experience. Alternative "what if" mods are possible, but it would take dedication, vision and a lot of time. Basically you would have to rewrite the script and dialogue for a whole game and design the areas. Look how long it takes me for the warrior mod and I haven't even finished it. For someone that doesn't work on the mods full-time, it would take like a year to make even a small mod, with 10-12 areas. 300-500 hours of work* is my estimation of what would be needed for a good 10-12 area mod. That's 6-10 hours of work per week for a year, without pay. Yes you could shorten the time by just making mostly grass areas filled with monsters and little-to-no quests and dialogue. But that's not what you asked about. It is a nice hobby though. So if you like grandiose plans, by all means try. *After you've a solid grasp on scripting and area editing.
  20. About walking around with barred creations: I completely agree. Going to a meeting with Taygen with a couple drakons in tow?! OK, how about going to Ghaldring with a couple of Drakons in tow? I have decided already that in the Gazerforge mod, if you have Gazers in the party it will be addressed. You may lose your gazer or you'll have to earn permission having one. About the infinite baton: You didn't have to make it for me. As I said, I could have pulled it off. The point was to avoid doing the work twice, not delegate it. In any case, thanks. I'll probably go with the -1 to charges used one.
  21. You don't HAVE to tell people you're carrying an illegal baton, do you? Anyway, I may need your help in the not-so-near future. I would like to put the Shaping Baton in my next mod. While with your instructions I could pull it off, if you've already done it, why do the work twice? Another way, if you don't want Shaping Batons (I do), is to say the Baton is Shaped in a way that it can grow thorns itself, rapidly.
  22. Let's get back to scripting Gameman. Did you see the rest of my post? About the Shaping Baton etc? That way you could find an "ingame" way to make an infinite ammo baton.
  23. Well, I don't see it as an important issue for me at least, in order to open a poll about it. I made an assumption, in regards to something Gameman said. It was a line I threw in 50+ posts about scripting. I don't know why all the fuss about that hasty assumption to be sincere. Now, scripting, I do consider an important issue. I think I'm in the minority about taking such an interest in modding, seeing as there are few people in this thread, but Gamerman and Idontexitst seem to share my enthusiasm. Back to topic: Playing as a shaper usually, I travel around with 4-5 creations supported by whatever artifact or item that boosts them I could find. I fight with blessings often. I would say that I rarely am outnumbered. That's a worthwhile quest IMO. As I said, it doesn't have to be 100 lines of dialogue. I am glad my scripts helped you hammer this out. Infinite Ammo Baton: So, basically, a Baton that can Shape. Spawners can do it. So could batons. Again, I encourage you to put those nifty ideas in a mod.
  24. OK, no reason to be aggressive. I didn't mean to insult anybody and while I may be wrong, I don't think that I consistently extrapolate my own opinion as the majority opinion or as if my opinion is a fact.
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