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Everything posted by Blxz

  1. Don't hold back on my behalf. I can sniff out when a spoiler is coming even before the author knows it's there.
  2. My understanding is that generally you find people who support shaper's also tend to view Redbeard in a more favourable light as well, and vice versa. You yourself fit this generalisation pretty well from the very limited engagement I've had with you. And yes to all those deviant to this observation out there, I used the terms 'generally' and 'tend' to describe 'my own observations'. Be gentle with me if you do decide to rebut any points.
  3. Shouldn't have tried to kill me when I attended his lair in G5. Biggest mistake he made; it will cost him his life. The rage is strong with this character (and forgiveness surprisingly low).
  4. For me, considering the death, destruction, and hardship when the shaper's rules are broken, I think the Shaper's ends really do justify the means.
  5. I think I have greatly disliked all of these characters. Alwan has grown on me over time as he assumed a more prominent role and became (slightly) more tempered. The others though strike me as easy to despise characters. I definitely think Lankan is the most pathetic of the lot. And Slarty, I think this is a brilliant way of analysing and breaking down the collected data. Great idea. Interested what other trends you discover.
  6. I'm unlikely to try this but damn if I'm not impressed by your resourcefulness.
  7. A far more mundane reason for the name unfortunately. Someone watching episode 52 asked for a name in the game and I'm selling out for subs Hence the name of the episode - 'Tralling (trolling) for support'. Still, we can just pretend that I had some devious scheme in mind to deceive my enemies.
  8. Oh yeah, if I were to go back and complete every faction it would involve reading through everything as per normal. I wouldn't however do the normal exploration readings that are popping up. Once is more than enough. I'd only cover new stuff. EDIT: Also, 99 subs right now. I seriously never expected to get so many people watching my stuff. I just started making videos for some sort of personal motivational excuse to force me to play right the way through games and to stop restarting with a 'newer and better build'. Big thanks to the Geneforge watchers in this thread. You've helped put a personality to some of my viewers and that means a lot to me.
  9. Well, if there is sustained interest in the series then I may well go back to my save point and try to get the other endings. Probably via a more condensed version where I edit out the repeated stuff and just focus on the missions and new story elements.
  10. Alberich has beaten me to it. has indeed been released. I have begun to make a choice. It is not complete as I still haven't chosen a faction but this choice will limit my future faction choice. This is the end of the beginning but not yet the beginning of the end.
  11. As usual you've put my thoughts in a more succinct and readable fashion than I could myself.
  12. Was that a reference to my comment? I don't see how anything I said is a spoiler. Clearly there will be a faction choice in the game and discussion about possible feelings after that choice are not spoilery. Especially when I was careful to not detail the time of that final choice or the nature of that final choice or even the effects of that final choice.
  13. I believe I've read that the Rebels don't really appear justified at all until the final choice has already been made. By that stage if you've already sided with them then it doesn't matter and if you haven't then you'll never see the 'just' side of their rebellion.
  14. Alhoon: Save made at the end of 83 and before I start 84. I actually couldn't quit out of that conversation and then reopen the conversation. There is no way to be non-committal and come back later. In the end I reloaded the save and recreated the last few minutes of the entire save offscreen so the next episode could resume in the right spot. I 'may' (big 'if' here) go back and redo some other stuff on screen. I have been saving Greta's special relationship ability for just that reason. Hence the name of the next episode ' A divergent Path'. Alberich: I've essentially run out of voices. I can't do accents and my repertoire is very small. I've no wish to repeat the Scottish one and my Indian one is disgustingly racist sounding so I won't be using that. I think it is going to be varying bits of bad British from here on. As for the Article you linked. I disagree with the conclusion drawn by the writer. I actually think the meaning attributed to that phrase is strikingly similar to what was likely originally meant. Sure the focus is different but I see a very direct correlation between the modern meaning and the old one. Still, thanks for linking that article. I appreciate the chance to challenge my views.
  15. I will attempt to avoid spoiling the contents of the episodes. But there is a point coming up where I decide it is time to start making a stand. I can't sit on the fence forever. Still not chosen a faction yet but my actions are firmly setting me up for a certain 'side' in the shaper/rebel dichotomy. I guess that eliminates about half of the possible factions.
  16. is out, as hinted by Alberich above. I am so very fortunate to have such involved viewers. Between Alhoon, Alberich and the 17 other fairly consistent viewers I'm doing quite well for such an old, relatively obscure game. Far more than I expected to watch. If you wanted a creation named Alberich feel free to let me know. I've held off naming one in your honour since I felt like I shouldn't throw names in without permission (although I did in the first few episodes...apologies alhoon). is also out and is the start of a decently long recording session. Quite an interesting recording session from a story standpoint. Expect the updates to flow a bit until I run out of backlog again. Quite a struggle keeping it all going in between 14 hour work days but I'm so keen to keep going. Expect lower quality voice work as my voice is being run raw from work.
  17. This is spot on. I agree whole-heartedly with much of what you have said and you have put it in a far more eloquent fashion than I could.
  18. Indeed. That was a horrible episode to play; the offscreen enemies took about 30 seconds to walk around each and every turn. It is hard to notice during the speedup but I made liberal use of the pause recording button during that mammoth fight. Originally had it all narrated but the poor narration and lack of onscreen content meant the speedup was the only justified solution for the viewer. I regret that my end of video conclusion was still a bit jaded though. The next videos though I'm back and enjoying the game. Took a week off playing and am back on the horse again having fun. , , & are out and additional episodes are uploaded and queued for release. Still getting vids out everyday but expect the various series to jump around as I'm struggling to find time to run 4 series AND work through an election campaign AND work through my assignment/exam crunch AND keep volunteering with the ambulance. No rest for the wicked.
  19. I've been a shaper man my whole life. G1 - Obeyers. G2 - Shaper, G3 - Shaper, G4 - Antishaper and hated the game. Stopped playing. G5 - Unaligned but shaper leaning - loving it. I can't fathom why people are unable to look past small, insignificant details and see the greater picture. Every single time someone goes against shaper convention you end up with a massive problem. Small things such as the G3 fungus plague that affects some random villager sidequest, and big things such as the geneforge itself that results in an entire game series with all the unnecessary deaths that entails. Perhaps I am heartless though (or canister crazy?). I struggle to empathise with little brown-robed blobs of pixels.
  20. Oh yeah, and are out. I haven't linked to them before this because I've had a busy week. Enjoy.
  21. Wow, better hurry up and finish the last few eps of Ava 1.
  22. Don't talk it up. I'd say there have only been fewer than a handful of good voices in this game and many times that in characters. The odds are not with a good voice.
  23. Blxz

    Spiderweb future

    Well, I can't help that I'm starved for examples. Spiderweb writing in later games has been reasonably explicit about the different sides and has lacked some nuance that I feel were present in some of the earlier titles. Wanderer was a close-ish example, to me at least, if I had better examples I'd use them. And later on in Avadon the Duke of Verbeaux was kind of scheming (although still suspicious in his dealings) before suddenly dropping all pretense. Those are the parts of the game I appreciate the most. And as Juan Carlo said two comments above, the Witcher does a very good job of pulling off what I am trying to explain. There really isn't any need to take it even remotely close to the ultra n'th degree that some comments above have done. In no way have I proposed to make the whole game opaque or to have a flying Macguffin swoop in at the last moment and proclaim that it was all a dream and the choices meant nothing. I just wish there was more nuance in future games.
  24. Not yet, I went south from Perikalia and haven't uploaded just yet. The video was average and I wasn't my usual happy self so I've taken this week off. We've had an election called in Australia and I work for an MP so there have been some huge days lately. Once my fingers uncramp I'll get around to edits and uploads and more recording. Who is Taygen anyway? He has been mentioned by Ghaldring and Alwan I think. I assume he is the final faction leader? No idea what stance he could take though since we already have all the different opinion choices between shaper and rebel. Still, will be interesting to meet this person.
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