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Everything posted by Blxz

  1. Efficiency is probably why I protected the minds. Hard to remember my thoughts that far back but minds are an intensive process to create. They have significant value and their loss would mean the total loss of the facility. It is a little like how serviles CAN be made but generally are allowed to procreate naturally for the simple effort saved. At a time of war it is vital to conserve and reuse high value resources where possible (while going Soviet style eastern front with my regular creations).
  2. Quick on the uptake there chessrook. Good luck with it. This will complete the entire collection of Spiderweb for your channel will it not?
  3. The delivery certainly was smooth. I'm not a funny man but I guess I have my moments occasionally.
  4. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I think I might very well rename the entire series. That 'Descent into Madness' suggestion is excellent! Geneforge games are funny little things. Some combination of the basic style and the good writing means that I seriously empathise with my character in every game. Watching it a second time now, my thinking is very different to what was happening then. I almost feel that I was slightly canister addled in real life. The power and the swift and complete executions I was carrying out may have driven me a bit mad. I may have got a little carried away and committed some terrible terrible crimes against the creations. It just felt so natural at the time! Each step logically followed on from the one beforehand. Glad the series is still being enjoyed.
  5. I'm in the process of doing a rebel agent playthrough of the entire series. Quite interesting to see everything from the takers points of view in G1. The game is vastly different in feeling even if not quite in practice. I will eventually get to G4. I think I could like the game much more a second time around. Mostly the reason I stopped G4 was that I decided to give youtube a go and didn't want to start again with the same game. G5 seemed the logical choice to keep things fresh. Glad you are still enjoying the series and the horrific accents I used for some of those characters. No idea where the scottish came from though....deep in the depths I suspect.
  6. MP4 is compatible with audacity. I've done 330 videos in the past 11 months. You will need to install a codec for ffmpeg. This allows support for a range of file types. Rather than explain this part to you (which is by far my weakest area of understanding) I'll just link you to a very quick youtube video that explains how to do it. Keep in mind that the video was made in 2014 and on the mac version of Audacity. I don't expect anything to be too different but just be aware that the buttons may look different on your version. As for a video on how I edit everything, I will get to work making a quick example tomorrow. You will need to find something to edit and render your videos. I use a paid piece of software so you might not end up using the same one I do. Lilith and Chessrook have some good sounding examples in the posts above. Try checking them out in the meantime. EDIT: FFmpeg instructions from the official Audacity support page. These appear a little more complicated but should answer any questions you might have. http://manual.audacityteam.org/man/faq_installation_and_plug_ins.html#How_do_I_download_and_install_the_FFmpeg_Import.2FExport_Library.3F
  7. I dunno. That seemed like he did teach you how to do it. I have no coding experience nor any modding experience with Geneforge but after opening one of the scripts it seems pretty self explanatory. So As an example, let's open z13pentildlg (Which is Dialogue in the 13th zone - pentil). Now clearly talk node 2 isn't usable since it literally has the word 'code' near the end and alhoon said to avoid that. Lets look at node 3. This happens to be Rydell Journal by the looks of things. Now if I type in: code = alter_stat(0,2); break; and save that I should get plus 2 strength every single time I read Rydell's Journal. I could even make it alter_stat(0,5); and get 5 strength each time I read the journal. It seems pretty easy. Try following the steps. (and try not to go over 30 strength. I believe I read about that messing things up) EDIT: And it seems like you figured it out before I finished posting. Good job.
  8. Are you outputting in MP4? That should be quite compatible with Audacity. You may need to look up importing FFmpeg stuff, I forget the specifics since it has been so long. As for recombining the sound, you will need a separate program for that. All editing software can do it. Somehting like Camtasia, Sony Vegas, etc. Try and find a free one if interested. You just add the video which will default to track 1 - background audio. Then you add your separate exported voice wav file as a second layer. Do whatever editing you want (none is also fine). And then render the whole thing into an MP4 output which might take some time depending on how big the file is. The final product will have one audio stream. If you are really lost I can probably make a youtube video showing you how to do it.
  9. Very much worth it. The ongoing story in this series is a major drawcard.
  10. Hmm, lots of leadership and mechanics. If only you knew something about the geneforge that no one else knew? Imagine if you could trick someone into doing something that would lead to their demise? Hmm, food for thought.
  11. The audio splitting that I was suggesting is a little different to what Chessrook mentioned. Provided you are using OBS Studio rather than the outdated classic version: -On the main screen just above those audio sliders that Chessrook mentioned is a cog button labelled 'Mixer'. -Click the mixer and in the new screen you should see your mic and your desktop audio. Desktop Audio is anything that comes out of your speakers. ie. game sounds. -To the right side of each are 4 track selections. Simply set one for track 1 ONLY (preferably desktop audio for reasons that will become apparent later) and set microphone to track 2 ONLY. -Next go to the 'settings' screen. Then 'Output'. Then the 'recording' tab. -You will want to make sure that audio tracks 1 and 2 are both ticked so that the final video file has both game and voice sounds. That's it. It sounds like a lot of steps but I have broken it down into literally every step so that it is as simple to follow as possible. If you want any help on the audio processing side then I can help you with that as well. These two tracks should play at the same time in most media players but sometimes they can be finicky and can only play one track - (ie. game sound only and your voice is silent - but don't worry, your voice is still there on the other track). Finally, if you are not tired of all this technical babble yet, once you split the audio to run it through a program (like 'Audacity' - which is free) you will need a video editing software to fuse the two audio tracks back into one file with the video. For a comparison of the difference that a little tiny bit of audio editing can do - here are two examples from my Geneforge 5 lets play. The first video without ANY audio stuff and completely recorded on one track. .
  12. Ahh, another rebel in the making. If only you knew the horrors to come.
  13. Looking forward to more episodes. Another quick question. Do you split your voice and background sound audio streams? Having a separate voice track can be helpful to balance game sound vs your voice. Can also be helpful to run a quick noise reduction pass over the voice to get rid of any buzz form the mic. OBS can do that fairly easily so figured I'd ask.
  14. Good job on finishing. The Avadon's have always been a challenge for me. Good to have some solid LP's up on the tube finally.
  15. The struggle is real. I tinkered with this at one point with OBS. I believe the solution was to force set the size that you want OBS to record. It's small and I forget the numbers. 640x480 maybe? Or 800x600, I honestly forget. Try around a few times if you are still keen.
  16. Any more vids coming out? I noticed you released the first 6 videos in about 2 days. Been about 3 or 4 days since your last video. If you are burning out too quickly you might want to try using the scheduled video function to space them out every couple of days. This might give you more time to record a big batch and keep the output regular. Speaking from personal experience and enjoyment here so your mileage may vary. However, seeing regular content makes me more excited and lets me know the channel and the series are continuing. There are a lot of channels out there that just give up on content part way and that is disheartening to watch.
  17. Need to limit them some way. I think someone in the other locked thread mentioned the idea of 'slots'. Sacrificing a spell slot to have a creation around sounds like a very good method to attempt balance. Especially since you can possibly manage slots creatively via levelup's or even via special in-game events by the DM if you think the balance is slightly off ("ohh, suddenly you find a geneforge. There is enough essence within to increase your number of creation slots by one. Do you use it or not?") Lots of potential to balance things that way. And you can always punish a player that abuses them somehow. Creative punishments are fun, especially if you can 'encourage' a way to avoid the punishment by playing to the spirit of the rules. ("Since you are just using your creation slots to store an excessive number of spells instead of creations as intended your character begins to feel their essence control weakening. The number of slots they can have in future might decrease if they remain a pure mage") I'd be a horrible DM. Never choose me. I'm far to liberal with throwing a spanner in the carefully crafted plans of the protagonists. (But never kill them. make them hold on by a thread and think there might be light at the end of the tunnel)
  18. I like that you are using throw-away creations in episode 6. It feels more 'shaper-y'. You are also suffering through the very random G1 damage rolls. I don't recall other games being quite as extreme. So easy to take a dozen hits of zero damage and then receive a single OHKO. Good luck.
  19. Good luck with it. Lots of people start and then give up part way. Hope you manage to get the whole way through.
  20. This is theory crafting beyond my ability. I tend to deal in real world facts for the most part. I can occasionally dip into the nerdy realm and debate non-existent stuff but for the most part my interest doesn't lie in that direction. I'll leave it up to you guys to arm-wrestle out the facts. I don't think I can add much more than what I've already written.
  21. I think the Shapers/humans are currently in a superior position across racial lines. I don't think they are inherently superior as a race though. There is ample evidence that serviles can be at least as intelligent the most intelligent humans in the game and that the fact they are totally dominated is partially the reason for them being so inferior in the game. As a race they do have a pretty sad lot for the most part but that is situational and I wouldn't put it down to a racial inferiority. On average though they do seem to be poorly educated and pretty needy. I think their culture is pretty lacking and what little there is kinda disgusts me (messy slob behaviour, dangerous tribal mentality, etc.). The more intelligent, determined, and successful serviles tend to exhibit culturally more along the lines of the shapers and humans. Of course this could well be my own biases but I'd say it is pretty consistent across the game. Given the limited scope though it really is difficult to make sweeping statements like this.
  22. I would disagree. However I do not have the energy to go through finding enough evidence of why no actual game ending exactly matches the next game start. However since you are so clearly well informed about the game endings surely you notice that there are no exact matches between previous game endings and next game stories. Yes there is very clearly a 'dominant' ending such as rebels winning in G3. When you start G4 though you will notice a number of factual inconsistency's with the G3 ending story and what G4 has to say about what happened. This is indeed the case for every other game where there is often a close match but no exact match. Again, the evidence is there somewhere but time, effort, and care factor prevent me from getting specific examples. You can either look them up yourself, take my word, or dismiss me out of hand; which ending you choose is entirely up to you the player.
  23. There pretty much is no actual canon ending anyway. Nothing perfectly matches up. Generally the next games start off in some sort of hybrid or modified versions of one of the endings.
  24. Considering everyone are referred to as shapers I think the games are still left up to the individuals interpretation. An Agent is a shaper. A Guardian is a shaper and a 'Shaper' is a shaper. So yes, all the previous protagonists were shapers.
  25. You can't be a true REBEL since you clearly don't follow their MEDIA. Perhaps the capitalisation is too obvious? I guess it doesn't matter since it's hardly a funny reference.
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