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Scourge of the Rebellion

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Curious Artila

Curious Artila (3/17)

  1. btw the editor will be for geneforge 5 and the script gf5itemchars can be found in geneforge 5- Data-scripts- gf5itemchars
  2. btw i may make the unbound avalible only to the person that gives me the script folder so.....
  3. Can someone please post the script file gf5itemchars on this topic ( unedited un-corrupted ) because im working on an editor that i will post up for everyone but i need an unedited gf5itemchars script. thanks and the editor will include all kinds of new creations that the player can now shape including... Unbounds... and clawbugs that shoot venomous thorns from there stingers. and maybe maybe the player will be able to create creations that can... Shape.... Available Soon
  4. Btw Alhoon you are a beast at Moding just have to get it out there play this guys extra content mod like who doesn't love it
  5. soz only kidding to back up a point... All in the good spirt of a healthy debate
  6. Hold up is this forum about serviles vs humans or shock troopers vs the world... It's not shock troopers fault she is by far the weakest most contradicting class ever... Just saying... But then there are serviles * sighs * vomits ... * looks at classes for geneforge 4... * vomits
  7. To be honest you are probably right although it's fun to wonder...
  8. I guess but Bliz there are so many variations to all endings that its wrong for you to say that I've played through all games every way possible ( and I literally played through some of them clicking every single plant , crate ect) And I've found that if you knew how it is possible to get a canon ending.
  9. besides geneforge 5 which it is clear you are a sorceress class also one of you mentioned genders: in geneforge 1 2 and 4 you are very clearly male (endings cut-scenes) while in genforge 3 and 5 you are very clearly female for the same reason
  10. what do you all think of the CANON class being shaper in all the games i think this is the case because of references to the protagonists' of previous games, that we are told in latter games not to mention pictures of you in endings/cut-scenes
  11. And I quite literally played every different way possible and always got at the end "One thing bothered you though you never found out who you where before..."
  12. You all have very interesting points but here is what annoys me no matter what you do in geneforge 5 in the end it never Tells you who you where Hopefully Jeff can enlighten us on this in the geneforge remakes
  13. Yeah sorry lol But what exactly do you mean? I think that Geneforge 4 continues on from Geneforge 3, but only if the character in Geneforge 3 was: A: a rebel+ B: a canister addict That would also mean that the character u play as in number 3 could easily be the same as the person u play as in number 5 Heavily warped Recignised by alwan and greta and litilia ( all Geneforge 3 characters)
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