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wary wanderer

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Everything posted by wary wanderer

  1. Maybe if you could be more specific -- what creatures are you killing without the reward of experience, exactly? In many areas, 'spawned' creatures exist that give no experience when killed; alternatively, it might be that creatures you don't think are much weaker are actually much weaker.
  2. Has anyone else here read "Everything is Illuminated" by Jonathan Safran Foer?...Nice that Alex is a Spiderweb fan!
  3. Quote: Originally written by Randomizer: Essence shackles is a missle spell so you need dexterity and/or missle weapons. Are you sure about this, Randomizer? I didn't think that any spellcasting in GF4 was dependent upon statistics other than intelligence and ability in the spell class of interest, unlike using crystals/gems/fibers, for which dexterity and missile weapons determine their effectiveness.
  4. Slartucker, in his (excellent) list of "Where to find stuff and what it does," had originally listed a piece of cake from Turabi Gate as conferring +7% Armor / +2 Blessing Magic. I think it was since determined that this was a joke and/or an error. I don't believe that cake has any properties other than being delicious (and fulfilling a minor quest). I'll admit I didn't bother to fulfill this quest my first during my first play-through -- so I can't comment as to what the reward is.
  5. kiln n. Any of various ovens for hardening, burning, or drying substances such as grain, meal, or clay, especially a brick-lined oven used to bake or fire ceramics. tr.v. kilned, kiln·ing, kilns To process in one of these ovens. -------------------------------------------------- [Middle English kilne, from Old English cyln, from Latin culna, kitchen, stove; see pekw- in Indo-European roots.]
  6. Just for the record, if upon mars were to join, this (or any?) club would be significantly less appealing...
  7. I'll admit my servile prefers the Girdle of Genius. For me, the +2 INT has been more valuable than the +2 of END would be. But maybe I have pumped intelligence more than others, and endurance less? Of course, the extra +2 END to my pet kyshakk would be nice, but he's already a pretty tough meatshield as is.
  8. Quote: Originally written by Tarrasque: How'd ya get past upper southforge without casting war blessing? Tarrasuqe, for someone who (at least according to his or her signature) places value in the karma rating, simply repeating a joke that was cute the first time [but tiring the second] is probably not the way to get a fourth star...
  9. As an aside, what's with the misquote of The Smiths? And in order to stay on topic, I'll comment that you've left out living tools, spore batons, and plants that produce useful seed pods. And then there's some of the 'droppings'... Is my PC really wandering around with the skin of a thad draped over him -- a la Silence of the Lambs? And a ratskin shawl can't be very hygienic. Clawbug carapace? Fyoraskin cloak? Gazerskin sandals? Ewww.
  10. Not that far along in the game, but anyone else out there recognize the origin of Eliza and Shaftoe? wiki
  11. So -- not to ask the obvious question, but has anyone heard from JV if there's a revised release date? I'm trying as hard as I can not to get any work done, and GF4 would really support this noble cause...
  12. Just think how much more impressive Alorael's stats would be if he only used one account...assuming that wasn't an imposter. After all, anyone can claim to be a deivore these days.
  13. Quote: Originally written by Savage Ed Walcott: I also came to a realization earlier. The main reason most drakon personalities and intelligences are disposable is because they lack obediance, empathy, and are highly morally apathetic. Combine that with the fact that they are extremely hardy, long lived, and have a tendency to exhale searing blasts of heat and their inherent danger becomes readily apparent. Due to their pride, it's almost impossible to make a deal with one, and even if one is reached it's slanted heavily in favor of what the drakon thinks would be appropiate. Most of their memories would be of killing, maiming, eating, and terrorizing humans, meaning you wouldn't want to reshape a creature with the same personality. However, hunting down and exterminating the drakons that are a threat would more than likely upset the ones who were neutral or apathetic to human activities and they'd eventually try to avenge their drakonian brethren. Very few would probably go into hiding peacefully. If you committed yourself to destroying only the ones that were a clear threat, you'd have to be prepared to deal with all of them.[/QB] Am I the only lurker on this otherwise interesting debate who is increasingly unsettled by Savage Ed? This position is truly untenable -- In essence, he posits that dislikability of many members of a race (disobedient, lack of empathy, difficult to bargain with) justifies mass slaughter. He explicitly states that it is *because* of these characteristics that their personalities and intelligences (and thus, lives) are disposable. You've moved away from flirtation with slavery, and are now dancing with genocide. Edit: typo.
  14. Perhaps arghhhhhhhhh would benefit from guidelines as to what subjects *do* belong in tech support, so as to dissuade him from offering such suggestions in the future. As an aside, has anyone ever said less of value in their first 150 posts than has arghhhhhhhhh?
  15. I got the upgrade from him legitimately, and didn't notice any substantive difference in Greta's whuppin' skill. I wonder if it's just ineffectual (or doesn't improve you beyond the previous purchased upgrade)?
  16. I played as a rebel agent -- it was much more fun to have my agent dragging a Santa-sized sack of goodies through the keep, in fight mode with 2AP per turn, with my co-agent hurling around searers to cover my overloaded heiny. I could practically hear hur grunting with the effort...
  17. Granted, I haven't slept in a day and a half, but that's just about the funniest thing I've ever heard...er, read...
  18. Oops -- I'd missed that conversation. Moderators: Please feel free to move my post, or just erase it -- sorry for the redundancy.
  19. Not sure if it's a bug or my bad luck -- I'd been tasked to go and dispatch Orois Blaze, and did so (ok, I told O.B. that I'd deal with him fairly, and then bought his help in augmenting myself before doing the deed). After returning to gain my reward for killing this drakon, I get the same text that I have to go and kill him. He's *very* dead. Do I simply not get the reward because I told O.B. I wouldn't kill him? Has anyone else had this problem?
  20. Thanks, Dolphin! I can't believe that I forgot to go back to that boat! *smaking myself in the forehead* I'm not 100% sure exactly where the 2 access bracelets were, but they were both in the areas preceding the geneforge -- both dropped by golems I think?
  21. I've got both of the access bracelets mentioned in other subjects...but I can't actually find the darn place!! I'm sure that I'm missing something... I just got assigned my 'task' as a rebel to go back and kill ol' whassisface on Dhonai, but haven't gotten around to doing so yet...I'm not sure if perhaps this influences the availability of this most wonderful-sounding vacation spot?
  22. Is there any better job in the world than to be Pope? Granted, I'm not Catholic, but c'mon -- ultimate authority, complete command over a legion of less enlightened or divine beings, the divine right to travel the globe telling people what to do....WAIT! The Pope is a Shaper!!! Does that make the conclave the Shaper Council? Does that make Protestants Takers? Hmm....
  23. I'm similarly a bit uneasy with the stance I've taken. I recognize that there's value in seeing how polarizing debates of freedom and free will can be, but the lack of a middle ground leaves me (and my Agent) making decisions that I can't say I'm proud of. I've decided that, as I've been compelled to take a stand, I'm playing as a rebel this time through, hoping that the Drakons have a long-term vision that I lack the creativity to appreciate. But I'm already looking forward to my next game as a purely loyal Shaper -- not that I expect that moral pole to any more accurately reflect my beliefs...
  24. I believe the answer to this is "no." As to the skipping from island to island, this has been talked about in another thread -- to paraphrase, it's a trade-off between the nice realism of actually traveling from island to island and preseving this as a difference between G3 and its predecessors (why else have it be island-based?) and the inconvenience of having to traipse across the island every time you want to return to earlier isles. Personally, I like the preservation of the island 'feel' -- it only takes a minute or two of your life to cross back, and you don't have to do it with any great frequency.
  25. Is anyone else more than a little annoyed by the searer upgrade for Greta? Sure, I like spreading acid around as much as the next battle-hungry Agent, but this is really messing up my strategy. I've been enjoying the hit-n-daze approach so far, but the lingering effects of Greta's searer blasts keeps this from being completely successful...
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