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Best Magic Class


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You go with your strengths and battle magic allows for multi-target attacks and mental magic dazes or charms attackers so you can go one-on-one. When spells don't do much damage or have a chance of beating mental resistance then buffing is all that is left.


I know we have had polls on best spell.

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The limit on mental magic is extremely high on the higher difficulties, since it relates to enemy level which changes on those difficulties. Compare to battle magic where diminishing returns really make you question the worth of plunking 8 or 10 skill points a pop into it.

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A good Agent (or Infiltrator) pumps both.


But is especially mindful of making sure that mental magic is cranked out the wazoo.


Now, while you can toss off kill spells like it is nobody's business, charming an eyebeast is an efficient way to spend a few magic points. Or, charming a spawner. Or freshly spawned creations. Like when an annoying shaper or drakon has to start shaping in combat. It is an Agent's job to make them pay for that kind of foolishness.


An Agent type, and, to a lesser extent, a Servile, depend on the strength of their enemies. The stronger their foes, the more damage an Agent is capable of doing.


Mental magic does more damage per point spent and per energy spent than battle magic does. Simply because of what you can do with high level mental magic. Charm a couple of high level creations and you get massive damage output, with out the worry of having to shape something your self.

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