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Everything posted by FabledOne

  1. Exile 2 is by far my favorite spiderweb game in all. The ability to be three different races, excellent story, playable but still challenging difficulty. It has it all.
  2. This is what I have Dell Dimension 3000 Intel® Celeron® CPU 2.40GHz 502MB RAM Intel® 82865G Graphics Controller XP Professional SP 3
  3. Last time I tried to play it was still to choppy. I wiped my hard drive last week so I decided to try and play it and see if it would work. After downloading the installer it would freeze at the "Computing space requirements." I've tried to redownload it a couple times but still the same thing. Anything that I can do so I can try to play it again?
  4. Originally Posted By: dgoodrich Go to setting click graphics extras to draw all Thank you.
  5. I don't consider playing through only one faction completing the game, so here's the times it took me to do each faction. GF1: About 3 days for each faction. GF2: Hard to say with this one, about 2 days to about 11 - 12 days(Power Gamer/Unaligned took forever!) GF3: I finished Pro-Shaper in 3 days, Pro-Rebel in 2. GF4: Pro-Shaper 2, Pro-Rebel 1, "Trakovite" 3. GF5: Haven't played to the end yet.
  6. If I turn it off, it becomes unplayable.
  7. I just Downloaded the v1.0.2 and installed it and when I loaded my save, my shaper changed from Dark Blue to the normal look. Also none of the Secondary creations(Cryoa, PyroRoamer, Burning Thahd, ect.) are their normal colors. They all go back to the first one's colors, even their projectiles. Cryoa spits fire instead of ice. Is there a corrupted image file or something?
  8. Sickly awsome, it's finaly working. Now I gotta get the Fast Speed update thing... >.< Crappy comps ftl.
  9. I used the search on my computer to find all the files for GF5, since they end up in like 4 different places, and I got rid of all of them it found.
  10. I just downloaded GF5 and installed it. When I opened it up to play, it gave the resolution thing, and I picked the wrong one along with "always use." And now I can't play, all I get is a black screen saying "Cannot support this video mode." I've reinstalled, "repaired," and redownloaded, but nothing worked. How can I change the resolution so I can get it to work?
  11. I'm doing it as a challenge. I know it will be impossible for me to probly get past even Harmony. But I'm still gonna try.
  12. I'm currently trying to play through G3, pro-shaper, using only a Guardian with no weapon, Thahds, and Battle Alphas. And I have a couple questions about the Guardian. About how much damage is increased by a point of strength? Does melee weapons increase damage also? If so how much?
  13. I'm trying to figure out how to change the Lifecrafter model into the original (1 and 2) shaper. How do I do that?
  14. Something about needing proof I was sincere. I said I wanted to join her the first time.
  15. I was playing through trying to be a Darkside loyalist. When I finaly reached the point when Ruth asks you to join, only to find out I couldn't join them. What can I do to join them? Was I supposed to do a massacure in a random town, did I say the wrong things some times?
  16. The first poll is kinda... not fair, mainly because if you have a high Magic pc, your gonna be using Battle Magic far more than any other set, due to the fact that it's your main attack source. You could try expanding it alittle bit though, like favorite Mental Magic spell, or best 2 spells combo, ect.
  17. Ok. I'll try it as a party first, or just set it to easy, currently on hard. But... Why is Slith no longer the top race? Did Jeff balance the races out finaly?
  18. I'm pretty new to Avernum 5, more of a classic Exile fan. I was trying to go through as a singleton, but I couldn't even take out the Scuttler guy... Of course Custom is probably the best to have for a singleton, but I'm not experienced enough to know what skills to get, or what level to put them at. So any suggestions? Also what about traits? (Race will always be Slith.)
  19. It also depends on how OCD you are about doing things in order. I can't stand playing games out of order. My main reason is that I like to keep the in line with the story, and seeing how it changes/evolves through out the series. Jeff did an excellent job at making it so you don't have to play the whole series, but there are some things that are funny when you know about them. Like when they are telling the story of GF1 in GF4, how Trajkov used the GF to show the shapers how insane and dangerous it was.
  20. Jeff should alow you to be either 1/2 Shaper, or 3/4/and most likely 5 Shaper. And based on the votes, get rid of Lifecrafter all together.
  21. I was wondering, does when I get intelligence matter to the total amount of my Essence? Say I have a level 5 Shaper that has 10 intel, will he have more Essence when he's level 25 than another level 25 Shaper that got 10 intel at level 20?
  22. It would be a good way to increase your "rep." Kind of like in the Avernum series.
  23. For power and usability, I prefer Wing-Bolts and Kyshakks. If you could get a lower tier creation, say Fyora, to match an Ur-Drakon's power, then it's all based on what model you like. If that's the case, I'll go with the Vilsh.
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