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Well, whatever one may think about Shaper Mitchell's last topic (on spells), on thing there is brilliant. But since I saw how little looks, let alone answers his last two posts recieved, I wanted to start a new thread, which won't be about editing, but about a real idea to Jeff.

I heard a lot of people complaining about spells being or at least very soon becoming useless. I also feel that way about some (ok about quite a lot).

But remember G3 where Greta could upgrade her spell to a totally different one. Well, it was all encoded in "gf3itemchars" and "gf3objsmisc" files as I figured. Do you think it's possible for Jeff to make it so, that the spells really evolve as you gain levels in them (sort of like that a frist level of war blessing'd just bless, second also shield, third also haste, fourth (Like SM said) also restore essence and or spell points etc. or that different levels of daze'd influence how many you can daze, or that first level'd daze, the next paralyze or something etc. or even that spells'd get totally different abilities)?

I think that'd be great, although I've no idea how much extra work that'd mean.

What do others think?


ps: And sorry, I didn't want to steal a topic from SM, I just thought it was enough of a different one.

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This is the last Geneforge game being written right now and Jeff has changed the spell system from what you are used to seeing. I can't go into details since with the new beta testers starting out and complaining, Jeff is still tweaking the spells.


It appears Jeff is still going with getting more levels in a spell increases its spell strength and not changing the way the spell works.


There are new spells and olds spells will act differently than in the previous games. I wish documentation wasn't the last thing that Jeff writes, because for now the only way to find out what spells do is to buy them and try them out.


Even weak, useless spells can do major damage if you increase battle magic and spellcraft to high levels. Having a combined 30 or more with those two from skill points and items can make you death incarnate even on torment level.

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