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going to kill shaila?


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How do you know that you aren't being healed even though your health bar seems to refill? Make sure you're refilling your health, not your essence (those pods can be tricky) and that you aren't just taking so much damage that you die from one hit even with full health. Taking damage and getting poisoned right before the end of the round can make you take to big hits in rapid succession, too.


If you have good evidence, send the save file (or folder, rather) to Jeff with a description of the problem so he can debug it.


—Alorael, who also doesn't remember any suspicious vlishes around Shaila.

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Actually, I've had a bug with healing before. Sometimes when I cast healing or status spells outside of combat mode, they don't take effect. It seems to happen more often if I cast a lot of healing or status effect spells in quick succession, if I cast while walking, or if I heal while taking lingering damage from poison or acid.


There's a Thahd in the mudpits; are you sure that's not what you're seeing? They're both big and red.

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I've found in Geneforge 3 that sometimes if I'm outside of combat and try to heal while poisoned, the heal gets interrupted by the damage from the poison (or acid).


I've also had it a few times that I've attempted to cast some spell, but combat starts in mid animation so the spell doesn't take affect but I lost the energy required to cast.


If its not either of those, I'm really not sure.

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