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Things you would like to see in Geneforge 5


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I would love to ability to write in my journal. I like to leave little notes to myself to remember which areas I want to return to, where stores are, ect. Its a huge pain in the ass, doing alt-tab to get my word file open everytime I want to remember something.


CANT WAIT FOR 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and....100 hehe.



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I'd like more different ways to steal items. Higher dexterity could help you not be seen taking a "not yours" item in front of everyone. Friendly/neutral characters could carry items and you could control-click on them to try to pickpocket them - again, higher dexterity makes you have a greater chance of not being seen.

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Geneforge is moving forwards, not backwards! Yes, values are still visible.


—Alorael, who doesn't particularly want to see thieving become a complicated system. Geneforge isn't about stealing and really shouldn't be. Besides, equipping all those NPCs with stuff to steal would waste more of Jeff's time.

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I don't know... It seemed to me as though the possibility of theft was something that rather tied in with the morally contradictory nature of the game. It's not nice to take things from farmers, but if you use it to save the serviles... But if you are careful, there are rarely consequences. Creating a skill would give incentive to take the risk, and perhaps pay for it. It wouldn't have to be a prominent aspect, just an option.

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Certainly, but individuals who adopt such practices are not looking for realism, but simply want to fool the game. Perhaps, if you wanted to prevent that, you could create a point at which people start asking questions. "You know, Bob, it seems like every time that man comes into my shop, my safe goes missing." "That's odd, the same thing happens to me..." Similar to being seen, but not so severe.

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Originally written by Cirion Actaeon:
Certainly, but individuals who adopt such practices are not looking for realism, but simply want to fool the game. Perhaps, if you wanted to prevent that, you could create a point at which people start asking questions. "You know, Bob, it seems like every time that man comes into my shop, my safe goes missing." "That's odd, the same thing happens to me..." Similar to being seen, but not so severe.
Since your actions are spread around faster than gossip it would be possible for all the merchants to start charging you more for items and pay less to buy them to cover theft. It would rapidly make stealing only useful for items needed to be equipped or used in combat.
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The amount of realism added and the number of people who would take advantage of theft doesn't justify the time and effort needed to set up and balance the system. How many areas would you give up in order to pick pockets?


—Alorael, who has never really liked theft systems in games. There are always a few items that you are practically obligated to steal, but there's no indication of when or where. The responses never seem quite right. Besides, as an upstanding member of the heavily canister using community, you shouldn't pick pockets. You should blow people up and sift through the rubble for loot.

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How would having an exoskeleton not make them invertebrates?


Here's part of the text when you first come across batons in G1:


They are a mix of living and inert matter, plants with a touch of animal around a frame of metal, capable of firing a small, sharp projectile at high velocity.
Dikiyoba still thinks it's probable that the "touch" of animal that was blended with the plant was a simple invertebrate one.
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What simple animal can squeak? That requires lungs, or at least some kind of internal air pocket. Granted, launching projectiles probably requires some kind of large "exhalation," but it's not so simple.


On the other hand, you could have a squeaky plant with no animal at all. Squeeze the air bladder and it rushes through the tube to hurl out thorny death.


—Alorael, who concludes that batons are people too. You shouldn't kill them. You should love and cherish them, and you should never, ever sell them to a shifty servile merchant.

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You should keep every baton you find, and carry them in your backpack to keep them safe. Actually, for safety you should keep each baton in your quickslot until it is unloaded, then store it in your backpack, far from its ammunition.


You should keep all batons of the same kind in adjacent slots, so you don't risk splitting up a family. Do not put the Submission batons next to lesser types, because they can be domineering. And all the other batons are afraid of the Reapers. They are scarey sons-of-bushes.


Note that thorn batons are apt to patronize living tools and spore batons. You should train yours out of this antisocial behavior, by putting the offenders in the lower left corner until they apologize.

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