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Unlock and can't beat the mine shade


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The Parasitic Shade is pretty tough for this stage of the game; you might want to build up some levels and come back once you have Vlish or something. By chapter 2, Fyoras don't really cut it any more.


(Also, before you fight the shade you should run around in combat mode and turn off *all* the power spirals in the room. Try to avoid letting it see you while you do this.)

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Do the power spirals starting with the northwest one and go clockwise so the shade doesn't see you until the end.


Use speed spores for your party with war blessing and you might have a chance. Wrack will speed the combat and use spray crystals when the parasitic shade's friends show up. The hard part is he keeps slowing you down and will probably kill a fyora a round. If you don't mind losing them then it is possible. If you have the essence, then create some new ones to sacrifice in place of the older ones and keep the old ones in the distance.


Unlock - canister - Dillame Fields

- training in Rivergate Keep and Illya Safehouse (prices lower after doing quests in either place)

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The trick to it is to not stand in LOS (Line of sight)of the shade when your turn ends.

Basically you can run right up to a hostile creature, run around it a few times, and still not aggro it as long as you're not in it's LOS when your turn ends.


Using speed, as mentioned in one of the other replies, makes this easier, (espicially later in the game) but iirc it isn't needed for this part since you dont have to move very far.

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