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how to reach goodies at shaila's?

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Going through my second G4 game and I just ran into something I could not solve the first time either. Istill can't find the controls to inactivate the electrified field in the North end of Shaila's inner sanctum.


Let's see: there is her magic circle and north of that her bedroom and then north of that the aforementioned electrified field protecting 1-2 boxes.


A friend is going through his third round and also can't find it.


Anyone knows where is the control to inactivate the field? confused Puleese!


P.S. Playing it as a lifecrafter is soooo amazingly easy after doing it as an infiltrator singleton!! I'm stunned.

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  • 4 weeks later...



(What with the problems with the forum and other stuff, I did not get to say it earlier.)


Today I finished the game as a lifecrafter Trakonite and *sigh* ended my life in a chain gang but at least not beheaded (this time I was rebel all the way). Got to kill the Titan this time (my previous infiltrator character did not get to do it) with the help of two Ur-Drakons. I'm still celebrating!


Well, back to Avernum while waiting for GF5.

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I was disappointed, actually, that the Trakovite philosophy wasn't exploited in G4 to the degree that considering yourself a Trakovite would become maybe a little bit more meaningful than a psychological itch encouraged by two or three dialogues in the game... notwithstanding a psychological itch that is dangerously out of line with either the Shapers or Rebels... . Still... on the other hand I did like its presentation as a very nascent and almost covert philosophy which suggested that the Trakovites were likely to grow much stronger roots by the time G5 comes around, many many moons from now.


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I always thought of trakovite as an in-between faction, someone who cant decide who they want to side with and don't like they fighting, so they take things into their own hands and make there be no sides. I really wonder how neutrality rots your soul... I don't see that there are massive numbers of devils coming out of Switzerland.

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But... all you need to do to unring a bell is put your finger on it, correct?


It is sad that once one begins to gain great power, all too quickly the game ends and you cannot use that power. Maybe if there was some sort of epilogue to the game. Perhaps if there's no ending at all, thus allowing the player to wander about aimlessly, annoying people?


Maybe people should be allowed to write their own post-game games, and then we can all play them, Blades-Of style.


I'm just throwing out dumb ideas, here.


With the game the Fairie Tale Adventure, there was a point at which I'd pretty much accomplished everything and all I could do was wander around the globe, because I couldn't find anything else to do. I think it was a bug. The space-platform region didn't lead to anything, either. If I remember right: I reached the final platform and found nothing.


Doesn't anybody remember the Faerie Tale Adventure? I think it came out pretty late for the Mac. I can't find a downloadable copy of it anymore.


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I don't think those are dumb ideas at all, I just don't think Jeff will do that. He will probably want to give the game a sense of finality that you obviously didn't feel with Faerie Tale Adventure. The finale is especially important when you consider that it completes 5 games worth of plotline that is dynamic. If he didnt give it a solid ending it would make all previous games trash. Well, they wouldn't be the same anymore at least.

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I suppose I'm a little tired of the same old "You win!" ending. Notwithstanding that, in Geneforge, often times you lose, or end up someplace in between. The point is that the SW games always end in words, explaining everything to us, which is nice in itself I guess, but something different for the final installment might be interesting, especially if, in the G5 scenario, the only acceptable ending is either total peace or global destruction: that kind of ending is, well, somewhat of a downer.


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Well, the problem is that this is the fifth installment of a series that describes ongoing problems between bitter factions, all revolving around the Shapers. If this is the final installment, then adding another "the war wages on" sort of ending demands another sequel. G5 is expected to deliver some sort of closure. What better way of turning Closure on its head than throwing the player into Geneforge Limbo?


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Originally Posted By: Evnissyen
With the game the Fairie Tale Adventure, there was a point at which I'd pretty much accomplished everything and all I could do was wander around the globe, because I couldn't find anything else to do. I think it was a bug. The space-platform region didn't lead to anything, either. If I remember right: I reached the final platform and found nothing.

Oh, you were so close to the end. All you have to do is step off the end of the last platform and into the void. Yeah, this is kind of a dumb requirement, since you die if you try the same thing anywhere else in that area.
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Hmm, if there were some peaceful endings and some tragic endings, that would basically be Jeff revealing which sides he believes are the better ones. My guess would be that each ending will have it's own problems, while still providing some satisfaction for those that believed in the faction whose ideology they won with.


Of course, they can still always be the "you missed something important so you now you die and the world remains in chaos" endings.

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Argh! And I hated that part of the game, too, it was such a pain. And jumping off the platform... yes, it's no wonder that never occurred to me since half the point of the area was trying not to jump off into the void. I suppose in a fit of suicidal hopelessness and frustration one might've stumbled onto that 'solution'... but... well, maybe it's because I was using a hacked version of the game and sort of expected the occasional bug that suicide hadn't occurred to me.


I really wish I could find that game again. O, the nostalgia... .



Methings an ending in itself, in G5's case, can reasonably be considered a problem in itself.


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I want to be allowed to grow paranoid and set up my own little cave castle, like Shaila. Not that it's every likely to happen.


Speaking of the Faery Tale Adventure... last night I went looking for a downloadable copy again and this time I had no trouble at all finding it, or the sequel. The only problem: The DOS graphics and music are really pathetic. I miss the refined graphics and the refined music and the refined gameplay of the Macintosh version.


The sequel looks notably better.


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Originally Posted By: Evnissyen
Speaking of the Faery Tale Adventure... last night I went looking for a downloadable copy again and this time I had no trouble at all finding it, or the sequel. The only problem: The DOS graphics and music are really pathetic. I miss the refined graphics and the refined music and the refined gameplay of the Macintosh version.

There's also a Sega Genesis version, which shouldn't be hard to find; I don't know how much they changed the gameplay for the console port, though. Or you could try to track down a copy of the original Amiga version.

Ah, nostalgia. I'm replaying Might & Magic II right now. It's amazing how much detail you find when you actually explore instead of using the hintbook to rush through the main plot. I feel like I'm 8 years old again.
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