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Quick action


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I'm not sure exactly what you're expecting under the name 'double shot for quick action'. All that happens is that when you make a successful melee attack, sometimes you do extra damage. When this happens you get a message about a 'second swing'. There is a chance that you'll get such a second swing with any melee hit, and this chance goes up with increasing quick action. 13 is high enough that you should be getting this fairly often, but not every time.


What you never get is a chance to make an extra attack with your choice of target. All you ever get is a (big) damage bonus on top of your normal attack.

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What enemies are you attacking? I think the chance for a second swing is only calculated if you don't manage to kill your target in one hit, so you won't see any second swings if you're only fighting weak opponents.


Also, your second swing has a much lower chance to hit than your first swing. So if you're fighting an enemy that's normally hard to hit, it'll be almost impossible to hit with second swings, and so you won't see them. (If you pay attention to the message window, you'll still occasionally get the "High speed gets a second swing!" messages, followed by "Second attack misses.")

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Nice movie.


You did get a second strike there - you can clearly see the two numbers scroll past when you hit the golem (65, 71). However you only had one attack - in order to get a second attack you will need more action points (APs). So make sure you aren't encumbered, wear stun-resistant gear, and cast the speed spell or use a speed pod.

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Just to clarify: with Quick Action you have a chance to deal more damage when you attack but the animation is the same. Having more AP can give you a chance to attack more than once in a round, which is different and is animated more than once. Most enemies that attack multiple times do it with AP, not Quick Action.


—Alorael, who thinks of Quick Action as mechanically analogous to Assassination in Exile/Avernum. It's just a way to get more damage mostly against weaker enemies.

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Except that the chance of Quick Action getting an extra strike in has nothing whatsoever to do with the enemy's level. Whereas the chance of Assassination working was based directly on the enemy's level.


Also, certain secondary weapon effects (but not all of them) can be activated on both hits. (Disclaimer: I tested this in G3, but haven't noticed it to be different in G4.)


Edit: Maybe "strategically analagous" would be a better way of putting it.

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Level doesn't directly affect your chances of getting a second hit in, but stronger enemies are harder to hit, so stronger enemies are more resistant to Quick Action.


—Alorael, who still finds Quick Action much more useful than Assassination. Hitting things is less difficult than leveling past things.

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Originally written by Nalyd Twisted:
Of course, if you keep a steady rate of levelling up Quick Action throughout the game, you won't have to worry about the monsters being stronger.
It's more important to level up Melee Weapons so you can actually hit things with your second swing. In practice, you probably don't need to put all that many points in either, since your base skills are enough to hit most things most of the time, but you'll have trouble against some of the optional bosses.
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