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The Titan

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I recently took up a G4 game that I had left for about a year after finishing chapter 4. It was a rebel servile on torment, with a build that favored melee, blessing, and mental magic. Somehow I never seemed to have enough essence pods for comfort, but I did have just enough essence and energy to buff up well in each zone, and still cast a few mind-mangling spells to take care of mobs. It's a potent mix.


I just finished the Titan, taking several attempts to discover the critical slowing, shielding, cornering and charming strategy. After finally killing the creature, I was left with a sliver of health, 5 AP, and a hostile rotdhizon on either side. Two charmed but wounded Exploding Kyshakks were also beside me, but the rots were barely scratched and would act first anyway. I had no energy, essence pods, or healing items left. And since I had just attacked to kill the Titan, I couldn't even run.


I survived by clicking on a nearby machine, which moved me away for 3 AP. Then I attacked a distant dazed Ur-Glaahk, which ran me a few steps further away from the rotdhizons, but didn't get me all the way to the target, so it stayed dazed. This put me far enough away that the rotdhizons killed the kyshakks instead of coming after me, and with 15 AP and a head start, I was safe.


G4 is a good game.


It's a tad odd to think of poor Harle, about to be cut down at the moment of victory because he was too mad with battle lust to move, being saved by his inner geek saying, "Hey, check out the cool machine!"

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ok thats great but honestly i don't think to many people care, your not the only one who has beaten and escaped the Titan.


Well nicely done, what else can i say confused


Taliesan, the answer to your question is obvious, So people didn't get ****loads of AP then do a hit-n-run sort of tactic.

I mean the infiltrator is already a bit rigged

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Settle down, Sl.Servile, and please refrain from double-posting. Use the edit button.




Why is that someone with six posts is determining how many people are interested in what a member who has been here much longer is saying? I was impressed with SoT's rather remarkable survival strategy. It's a good story.



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No, just a less ugly spelling of 'Ell-rah' reversed. This guy was supposed to be the rabid rebel servile who repudiated all the Awakened moderation.


About AP: in G1-G3, having high AP totally breaks the game, because you can completely avoid enemy retaliation by shooting and then hiding behind something. If you judge your distances right, the enemy may chase you, but it won't get line of sight on you until it has too few AP left to attack. Since a lot of zones are littered with serviceable obstacles, this makes many amazing feats of destruction extremely easy, even on Torment.


And that's if your sense of honor against pixels makes you eschew the even easier cheat of double-tapping 'f' as soon as you're out of sight of the enemy.

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Synergy I am not determining how many people care about it, I am saying what I THINK people would of though of that, and I stated that in my message

SlaughteringServile Quotes

I don't THINK too many people care
And as for the posts I have two things I would like to say: One I like to look at posts. Two, I used a different profile before I got this one.
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Originally written by Taliesin:
Then why not keep using your original profile? Unless it got banned, of course.
In most case, creating a new profile will not help those who have been banned.

As for Servile's quote, 'too many' does quantify an amount of people. You are specifically stating that you think that amount doesn't care. So in this aspect Synergy is correct.
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