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Editor or Item Spawner?

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All you need is a text editor to modify an existing script for a town. Look at how you are given items in different scripts to see the code that you need to add and there is a link in the header for helpful links that gives the item list for the game.


Besure to have a saved copy of the script before you modify it.

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Thanks for all your suggestions but I don't think I know what I'm doing, although I would love to learn. I have text edit that came with my mac and I've opened some script files but can't seem to find what I need items wise. Does anyone know of a list? Or guide me as to the easiest way I can do this?


Thanks again.

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Open up the file gf4itemschars and do a search for the item you want to add to your inventory. For example, living tools. Then find the item number (begindefineitem #). A living tool is number 255.


Next, find a person or sign that you always have easy access to and open up the dialogue script (the one that ends in dlg) for the area that the person or sign is in. Let's say Delna in Southforge Citadel, so the file is z1sfcitdlg. Make a back up copy in case something goes wrong or you want the original file back. Then, search for a question that isn't tied to a quest or shop and isn't the beginning of a set of questions (mostly for convenience). "How old are you?" works nicely. At the end of the answer (and right before the next begintalknode), add

code =reward_give(item #);break;
exactly how it is written. If you want more than one item, add them all in individual reward_gives.


So, if you wanted Delna to give you three living tools every time you asked him how old he was, the script would look like this.


begintalknode 135;	state = 133;	nextstate = 134;	condition = 1;	question = "How old are you?";	text1 = "_Oh, old. Old. <...> Never let them raise me dumb._";	code =	reward_give(255);	reward_give(255);	reward_give(255);	break;
Dikiyoba hopes that is enough guidance.
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Thanks so much, Dikiyoba, I hope I don't screw things up!


Drythentor, I want to understand how your thing works -- I imagine I just replace (but not before backing up) the two script files in my game with the ones I can download off your site? And if I read it correctly, all I need to do is go back to the rebel base from the beginning of the game? The thing is, I don't recall meeting any Sarasaphilia when I first played that area and if I read the editor correctly, it works in dialogue with her? Last question, will this work after everyone leaves the rebel base? I guess I can check now since I'm about to play and am in chapter three I think.


ETA: Okay so i don't know what I'm doing - obviously just replacing these to script files screws up the game. I'm obviously not getting how to do this - I've tried various things in various places and I'm not getting the dialogue as per your editor, Drythentor. Could you tell me how I can "attach" it to another character or a sign?


Thanks again.

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Sarasaphilia is me. I am male, for starters.


Now, unless you have been tinkering with other script files, or have installed another person's editor, mine should work. I've tested it throughly. I even managed to insert some features which are not items or abilities. Try to create a cryodrayk, ur-glaahk, or ur-drakon. If the resulting creature is NOT a cryodrayk, ur-glaahk, or ur-drakon, the editor works.


You may want to undo what you did earlier, by Dikiyoba's intructions-it may have no effect, but it may be what's screwing you up.

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Sarasaphilia, did you upload your txt files using ftp? FTP has this annoying habit of altering the line breaks in text files, so the file you uploaded may not be the same as the one you originally created. When I looked at the ones on your site, they appeared to have unix line breaks, which are not recognised by GF4. For the versions on my site I converted the files to macintosh line breaks. This seems to work, even on my windows machines.

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Shoot. Not gonna have time to update the darn thing, I leave in about ten minutes.


Diki, Windows has little to nothing to do with script files. The .txt extension means that it is just a plain text file, which doesn't really belong to any one platform(programmers have been using .txt for decades).

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