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Im sure this has come up, but ive read coutless postings and still haven't really found people who gave their opinion about Gladwell.


I have just started playing and when i started talking to Gladwell and he wanted to control me i didn't think i really wanted to do that. But i would like other's opinion on whether or not they would be controled by him if they played again.


Also, is there a posting that deals with quests only?

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whatch out with gladwell, if get his geas u will be forced to make many towns angry until farther in the game where u can find and kill him.


the rewards are gr8 in term of spells but the weapons and shields arent much of a buff, u will find some equaly or better gear in the game.


its all up to u to decide.

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Northern Isles


These are the islands near the rapids that Duaria wants you to check out.

The way in is slightly hidden for both islands, but carefully patrol the perimeter of both and you'll see a way in. The southern island is home to a sea ogre. Go ahead and kill it.


you can also make to end of game with w/o killing gladwell and wear his geas and maximize rewards.


gladwell is devil himself and many of stuff he wants are wanted others too.


to get more info about quests read walkthough at neoseeker for example.

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