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How do you get this variation on the Rawal ending?



"And, in moments, you go from Rawal's plaything to his loyal servant. You help him to undermine the others on the Council and gain power. You are paid extremely well, both in money and in power. Life seems to be going very well for you. For a while.


Alas, the Shapers can only afford so many of their number ignoring the struggle with the rebels. When the drakons finally wear the Shapers down enough to break through their lines, the Whitespires are cut off from the rest of Terrestia.


Shaper Rawal finally faces the consequences of his treachery, and you, controlled by the tool in your chest, fight by his side against the rogues that flood the mountains. You destroy them by the hundreds, but, in the end, you fall . . . "

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I know you can't swear loyalty to Rawal without the control tool. What I meant was this : When you meet the Shaper Council while still bearing the control tool, the game implies that Rawal intends to use you as his pawn later on. So I thought that maybe the alternate Rawal ending occured if you triggered one of the non-Rawal endings while still having the tool. Probably not, but I was just wondering.

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Originally Posted By: The Lurker
I know you can't swear loyalty to Rawal without the control tool. What I meant was this : When you meet the Shaper Council while still bearing the control tool, the game implies that Rawal intends to use you as his pawn later on. So I thought that maybe the alternate Rawal ending occured if you triggered one of the non-Rawal endings while still having the tool. Probably not, but I was just wondering.

Oh, hey, that might be the case. Don't most factions prevent you from going very far with them if you still have the control tool, though?
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"I can remove it. However, it will be difficult. And extremely painful. Are you sure that you want to take the risk? Remember, as long as you stay far from Rawal, he will not be able to control you." -Sage Quothe (Astoria's faction), Litalia (Trakovite faction), Shaper Marzan (Alwan's faction), Agent Caluma (Taygen's faction).


"I think I can remove it. However, it will be difficult. And extremely painful. And yet, I think you must take the risk, if you would serve usss." -Saakash (Ghaldring's faction).


"Rawal is the first to see you. He stares at you intently for a moment and then smiles smugly. He knows that you still bear the control tool. One day, he plans to turn this to his advantage." - Narrator, Council meeting.


If you tell Rawal that you are working for Astoria, Alwan, or Taygen while you still have the control tool :


Rawal : "I see. Despite all I have offered, despite all of my authority, you have turned on me. That is fine. I am forgiving. I know how to let go. But first, one thing ...".

Player : "Yes?"

Narrator : "Shaper Rawal waves a hand. The control tool in your chest jerks slightly. It tears a tiny hole in your heart. The Shaper could have killed you quickly, of course. Since he is in a bad mood, however, he amuses himself by giving you the slow, agonizing death. After you expire (eventually), he feels much better."


If you make Rawal hostile while you still have the control tool :

Rawal : "Such bold defiance. I am impressed. But I think this has gone on long enough."

Narrator : "He points at you and makes a little motion with his hand. The command tool in your chest has a spasm. This tears open a hole in your heart. You collapse and die."

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  • 2 weeks later...

All the "good" endings turn out more or less the same for you, except for the Taygen ending in which you're an outcast and everyone hates you. In the others, you rise to a position of power among the Shapers or Rebels, but you always feel like a bit of a misfit and never learn your true identity.

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