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Can I keep this fyora?[G5]


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I'm a warrior with a fyora. I'm spending very little on shaping, but I needed an extra attacker at one point and now he's around twentieth level. I have all his stats maxed out now. He's useful in some fights, but fighting the podlings and cryoa on the way to Alwan's territory, for example, I had to hide him and kill nearly everything myself.


Am I going to be able to keep him around to the end, or will I reach a point where he will just be killed instantly and I may as well absorb him?


And also, if I decide to let the fyora think for himself instead of controlling him in combat, will he fight smarter with more points in intelligence? Whatever "fight smarter" means in this case.

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Originally Posted By: madrigan
And also, if I decide to let the fyora think for himself instead of controlling him in combat, will he fight smarter with more points in intelligence? Whatever "fight smarter" means in this case.

No. Aside from the two points needed to control your creations in combat, intelligence doesn't really do much. It gives mental resistance and (I think) more energy, but the fyora isn't going to need the latter or get much benefit from the former.

Dikiyoba has taken a fyora to the very end of the game in G4, so it's probably possible to do the same in G5, but it's going to be a big inconvenience to do so. Dikiyoba was running a shock trooper with several better creations to do this, though, so the need for more essence to make more creations may be a bigger factor for you than the fyora's survivability.
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You hit on the point that you have to hide your creation to keep it alive. This is going to fail at some point and the fyora will get targeted.


You probably should replace it with a more powerful creation that will be more helpful in combat.


Mental magic is overpowered in the game in dazing opponents or charming them over to you side to even up the odds.

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Basically, by high levels the essence locked up in a fyora, even a completely maxed fyora, is pretty minimal. You can probably keep it around if you're very careful. There's just no real reason to do so. He's probably already not helpful to you, and he'll only become less so. You can absorb and replace or wait until he dies a natural death.


—Alorael, who actually thinks the fyora would be a much bigger problem for a shaping-reliant character. Lifecrafters and shock troopers need all their creation slots. A guardian can waste one of a creature who just needs to run and hide. Actually, shepherding a fyora from beginning to end would be a fun challenge.

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Originally Posted By: feo takahari
I've read that you need to have either strong Mental Magic or a bunch of creations to win this game. I've never been able to stand absorbing all my favorite pets, so will I have to do a lot of charming if I buy this game?

Mrhh... I find mental magic to be the least helpful of the magic types then again I rely on my creations so perhaps it would help you more.
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Battle magic is easy to use right and mental magic is easy to use wrong. When used right, though, mental magic is both very effective and the only source of attacks that scale with difficulty. Daze lets you fight at your own pace, Terror lets you do the same and sometimes pick your battlefield, and Dominate/Charm gives you a chance to use your enemies as weapons against each other. It works very, very well when you pull it off.


—Alorael, who thinks both also have the caveat that they require dedication. A non-shaper class is unlikely to win by shaping. If you don't focus on spellcasting and Mental Magic you probably won't be able to pull of the mental tricks of victory. It's probably more effective to ignore Mental Magic and make a solid melee tank than it is to make a weak tank, weak shaper, and weak mage.

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It's much easier to work out that you don't have the essence to cast your spells and adjust tactics accordingly. There's nothing obvious about how to use the mental spells, how effective they are against bosses, and how you may need them pretty much all the time.


—Alorael, who has gotten a general feeling from most RPGs that straight damage trumps most tricky effects. That's definitely an unhelpful belief when approaching Geneforge.

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It's not so much the essence cost as the fact that casting direct-damage spells with your lifecrafter is tantamount to sticking a giant KICK ME sign on your own back. You can just about get away with it when facing a single enemy, most of the time; against swarms, it's suicide.

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