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How do I get through 'Below Nodye pass?'[G5]


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But when they swarm you, it gets nigh impossible. I only have a cryoa and a plated artila, and I'm at low health. I can't get to somewhere where I can rest without getting through, and the roamers are blocking my way. Normally, I wouldn't hesitate to 'healmenow' but I don't even know if it works anymore, and besides, I haven't cheated yet, and I want to keep that up.

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I would need to recharge to make more creations. I have no essence pods (I don't pick them up. I know I should, but I always forget I have them, and I can never find times to use them). But thanks, I do have some healing pods and I know Group Heal.


Edit: I just made a Corrupt Thahd and killed off one of the packs. But it died almost immediately, and I can't get the essence back for another heal. I guess I'll just try and sneak around them. It seems to be the only option.

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In Spiderweb games, the AI usually has a glitch or two in it. The most common ones, if found via experimentation and exploited, allow you to separate foes and kill them one by one. If all else fails, kill one foe in a group, run away and heal, then come back and kill another foe. (This is the basis of my strategy in every Spiderweb game, as I tend to screw up the stat distribution of characters.)

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Daze a pack and concentrate fire on the undazed ones. Keep dazing so you never have to deal with more than one at a time.


When you kill 4 maintainence vlish the zone is listed as clear. If you make it to the southwest corner, there are two guards that might help you against creations that are following you.

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These packs are in groups of five usually, with the vlish being the one you need to get first, as this is a healing vlish and will heal the roamers you damage.


After every group I killed, I checked my essence. If it was low, I went back to town to restore. I'm always running back to town when I can to save on pods. I use pods when I'm in a long battle or can't get out of a place (testing area, et al.) Ignoring pods and spores is a big mistake. They work better than ever now.


Also as a weapon, use those blue crystals. They rob several of the enemies of major hp. I love the crystals in G5. They saved me a number of times.

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yea, i have only used one essence pod so far, and that was for the stoneworks.

I always end up with huge piles of regular healing pods and crystals, so I was a little more liberal with using them, and I ran out of the blue crystals, which work wonders, along with the basic wands with the erosion fields.

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