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new engine an improvement?


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I like battle diciplines, and the traits seem more balanced in avernum4/5 compared to 1/2/3.


But I find having no outdoors annoying.


I preferred an outdoors, when the dungeons/towns were indoors.


instead of the whole game being indoors and linked by scrolling.


And is it even possible to die tongue

As soon as you go back to town everyone seems to res automatically.


I liked having to be more careful, and if a character died, the effort to ressurect them made it more meaningful.(I didn't like reloading every mistake i made, it took all of the risk out of it)



Also, I heard jeff planned to redo avernum 1-3 with the new engine, is the outdoors going to vanish for them?

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Any remakes of the original Avernum trilogy (or re-remakes of the Exile trilogy, really) will come after Geneforge 5 and Avernum 6, which means they're probably not even a blip on the radar yet.


—Alorael, who also misses outdoors. Whether they'll ever come back is anyone's guess, unless that anyone is Jeff, since he presumably has a pretty good idea.

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I don't like the inside/outside thing. I like everything being at the same scale, and being able to see the town gradually appearing in its actual arrangement as I approach it, instead of some generic buildings representing the town. Also, I don't like accidentally leaving the town as I try to explore the whole "inside" map.


I also like having the characters revive when you reach a town or fort. It just makes things simpler. Besides, with the old system, if a character dies I cheat him back to life anyway, which is more trouble.


And I enjoy the imagery of the one remaining party member dragging his comrades' unconscious bodies over miles of wilderness in order to revive them.

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Originally Posted By: beetie

Also, I heard jeff planned to redo avernum 1-3 with the new engine,...

It would be cool!!
Exile's antology, like big interesting book.... Nice... : ) )

But 320x240x8bit was VERY asketic... May be will be done FULLscreen version with "autohiding" panels - move mouse down, and panel pop-ups (or rise from transparency), left - char. edit "left"-ups : )

Wow, whats about mobile/smartphone version? just joke smile
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_wee bit big monsters._


: ) I want to show very small playing window : )


I remember DOS text RGP, where you can only see command prompt:


> "now you see door,"

> turn left

> "now you see window"

> look around

> "you are in you home..." etc.


It is beyond compare, i know, but do you have seen HM&M 3 playing window:



And with E3 my eyes become glass... : ) )


Graphic of all games in BMP-files, without transparency and with 256 colors... very interesting, but eyes... : ) )


Though it was very pleasant to see in a5 fresh spells effects etc.


It would be good if next issues of games will be "upstairs"... : )

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