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Everything posted by beetie

  1. Ah, i thought they would be out sooner, so i was holding off playing avernum 1-3. I guess i'll have to play 1-3 with useless missile weapons, no battle diciplines, and divinely touched
  2. I like battle diciplines, and the traits seem more balanced in avernum4/5 compared to 1/2/3. But I find having no outdoors annoying. I preferred an outdoors, when the dungeons/towns were indoors. instead of the whole game being indoors and linked by scrolling. And is it even possible to die As soon as you go back to town everyone seems to res automatically. I liked having to be more careful, and if a character died, the effort to ressurect them made it more meaningful.(I didn't like reloading every mistake i made, it took all of the risk out of it) edit: Also, I heard jeff planned to redo avernum 1-3 with the new engine, is the outdoors going to vanish for them?
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