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I've released two scenarios, and I'm designing one that might actually be good this time. I haven't actually started putting it together and I don't actually have a complete idea of it yet, but I'm brainstorming stuff and hopefully I'll complete something eventually.

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I'm not playing BOE anymore although I occasionally work on its code. :-) Simply, I don't have time to play. I don't even have much time to fix these little bugs that you all report. ;-) But I believe it will change someday. I have a dream to port BoE from C++ to Java and I'd like to make this dream reality.

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Niemand, Java is much more better programming language than C/C++. I was working in C and C++ for years and some months ago I've switched to Java and found coding in this language fast, fun and created code quality is much better due to language restrictions and conventions. Java applications are much more extensible and easy to change. Now I ask myself how I could do ANYTHING in C++ - it seems to me to be a nightmare.

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Heh. Okay, if you like Java, that's fine. I worked with it for a couple of years, during which I found it to have few redeeming qualities. I realized that I hated it, and haven't used it for anything new in about 3 years. How could I live without my overloaded operators? Anyway, to each, his own.


I also just realized that I hadn't yet posted to comment on my vote in the poll. I voted "I don't play, I just hang around the forums" because it describes me exactly. I have played BoE, to the extent that I played the first half of VoDT, but haven't touched it in some time. I just found the user interface to be so terrible that I was constantly referring to the BoA version of the scenario to figure out how to move forward with things like quests and dialogue. Likewise the standard graphics are sufficiently poor that I found I was mistaking trash piles for zombies and vice versa. It was at about that point that I closed the game and never reopened it.

On the other hand, I continue to hang around because I'm interested in the challenges of improving and extending the game, particularly since I hope to one day be able to do some similar things for BoA.

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Most JVMs tend to be fairly slow, especially to launch, and have far larger memory footprints than they need. I hear that these things can be avoided; they just aren't usually.


EDIT: Concerning the use of malloc: There seems to have been a generation of C programmers who didn't believe in malloc. I used to work on a physics simulation program that kept all of its data in two enormous structures which lived on the stack. I learned this the hard way when after making some changes it crashed on startup because the stack frame for the main function exceeded the system's allowed stack size.

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Originally Posted By: lampshade
Hey hey Ormus before you disappear again at least the fix revive bug in OBoE at least.

I'll do what I can.

Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel
I would be more interesting in porting BoE to C++ than to Java – a much easier task, I would think.

That's what I'm trying to do now, but Jeff's C code is really hard to encapsulate into classes.
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To move to an object-oriented design, in whatever language, my plan would be to think in terms of encapsulating the various global variables into objects first. Then some of the functions would become member functions of these classes, while other would remain standalone functions, rewritten to operate on the new classes.

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Moving to C++ would be easier than moving to Java, though, because C++ is a mixture of object-oriented programming and... what's it called, structural programming?


But if C++ is only intended to be an intermediate step in porting to Java, then Niemand's suggestion sounds sensible.


Ormus, I would recommend checking out the Mac OBoE code on Khoth's site. Apparently there have been a lot of changes made to it – new nodes added, bugs fixed, etc. You would be looking at the second version, which is (hopefully) not the one that people have been downloading.


I remember *i was working on it at one point. He said somewhere that he was rewriting the scenario format or something. Does anyone know whether he finished that? Should I send him a PM? I've seen him around recently, but he doesn't seem to check this forum anymore...

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