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At this point? None. Reload from your last save point before the fight and, if you want, see any one of the threads below for the strategy. They're kinda spoilery, but it's not really that hard a fight once you figure out the trick.







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Originally written by Oskar:
A side thought:
What happens when the room is too full to support more of them? (I'm almost at that point)
The game starts making them appear in adjacent areas. At least that's what happens when you have a character blocking the place where other monsters appear.

Synergy got them up to about 66 and enjoyed blasting dozens away with divine retribution.
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I noticed a bug: After nailing most of them (including the original) with divine retribution, I noticed that were still some with half health hiding in the corners. Deciding that I had gotten my ass handed to me, I made a runner. When I came back after stocking up on mana elixers (burned through 7, Magical Efficiency wasn't really helping), I noticed that there were NO MORE DOOMGUARDS!


So if you just kill the original and make a runner, all the other clones disappear. If that doesn't sound like a bug..

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"So if you just kill the original and make a runner, all the other clones disappear. If that doesn't sound like a bug.."




And it makes sense. If the copies were imbued with the full power of the original, a wizard could just make a big doomguard, poke it with a dagger to make it split into a horde, and take over the world.


- Jeff Vogel

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I created a simulation in BoA and the doomguards stopped splitting after awhile. They multiplied rapidly at the beginning, and I thought my computer was going to freeze. What's odd though, is every single time I watched the simulation, one side always dominates the other in the end. (I inverted one of the doomguards for that purpose)

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If two Doomguards met on an infinite plane and all spawned copies simply spread out sideways, facing each other, and if every DG did x damage every round, and had N x health, then it would simply take N rounds for all DGs to be gone. In the last round, 2^N DGs would all bite the dust at once.


With more randomness in damage, the tendency for one side to win decisively in the end is probably not hard to understand. If by chance one side does a bit better, it starts getting multiple attacks on the other and whittling it down faster, so its numerical advantage tends to grow. Since each DG splits once if it is attacked at all, the losing side does not reproduce any faster than the winning, so there is no stabilizing mechanism.


If there were no splitting limit or decay time for spawned copies,

and if an evil wizard could make 100 HP Doomguards, and poke them with his pinky for 1 HP, then he could potentially create 2^99 1-HP Doomguards, at the price of wearing out his pinky. That's a lot of them, weak as they each would be. It wouldn't just conquer the world. It would outweigh it. And the entire solar system including the sun, if the sun is like Earth's.

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And then you could order 2^99 large pizzas and get $2.00 off each, even with the "one coupon per customer" limitation. Or take 2^100 items through the 10 items or less lane at your local supermarket. Sure, that would annoy your neighbors; but you've got 2^99 Doomguards, so who cares what they think?

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