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Nephil Test

Enraged Slith

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So... is it just me or does the Nephil test seem unbalanced between rooms? My somewhere around level 10 party had no trouble with most of the rooms, but I'm having trouble with Zombie dude and HP Tank + SURPRISE: Fire Pitbats!


I have enough random scrolls that I think I can make it past HP Tank's bats from hell but I'm worried about Zombie dude who can kill each of my characters in a single hit. I would just return and clean house later but, apparently, I'm unable to take this test a second time.


Also, when fighting the Assassin, I wasn't given a message to either kill or spare him. I didn't want to give him a chance to summon his many little friends so I didn't try to wait for it. Is this bad?



This is on Torment by the way.

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The test has highly variable difficulty. That's life. I vaguely recall the assassin fighting to the death, but I'm not sure. Save a separate file before slaughtering him if you want to be safe.


—Alorael, who wouldn't work too hard on cleaning out loot. The best stuff from the chests is taken from you when you head upstairs. (It's possible to cheat around this by sticking it on a character, getting the character killed, and not reviving until you're in another zone. But that's cheating!)

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The best things that you can take out of there are the knowledge brew and the bow from the final test if you survive the bats. Daze and slow really helps here.


If I remember from my last time with a singleton, that zombie can be hit with spells and summoned creatures when approaching from the west entrance really helps.


The assassin can leave alive, but killing them all gives extra loot.

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In the tests, the nephils yield when they have only a few HP left, except for the one in the south east room (who summons bats and teleports from corner to corner). But if you deal them a lot of dommage when they are weakened enough, they don't get the time to yield.

Of course, you still have the option to kill them when you receive the message (to get the loot), I don't know how it affects your relationship with the clan.

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I finally beat HP Tank but had to use my only Madness Scroll, a Control Beast scroll, and some Sparkling and Terror Wand charges. I was fortunately able to keep all my characters alive/awake for the main exp gain, but two of them went down due to some left over bats (one of them was carrying all the ceremonial items, though I didn't do this intentionally.) So now I'm fortunate enough to have the incredible ceremonial items while having gained most of the exp.


I wasn't able to beat the Bladeward Wight thing with only two characters, but I doubt he was worth the trouble.

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After reading this thread I went back in time and redid the test. My archer got all the ceremonial items after the tests. She was poisoned by the Nephil outside the testing area and died after we killed him. She got all the xp points and kept the items. If you try this be sure to clear other areas in the vicinity before you test. I returned to explore an area nearby and lost the ceremonial items.


((Oops, posted this before I realized I was only seeing 10 days of posts.))

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Originally written by Cher:
After reading this thread I went back in time and redid the test. My archer got all the ceremonial items after the tests. She was poisoned by the Nephil outside the testing area and died after we killed him. She got all the xp points and kept the items. If you try this be sure to clear other areas in the vicinity before you test. I returned to explore an area nearby and lost the ceremonial items.
You have to leave the ceremonial items behind after being raised if you go into the zones next to the Fang Clan Testing Area. This was mentioned in an earlier topic.
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Originally written by Cher:
I'm curious. Synergy's list shows item drops for killing the testers in Fang Clan village. Is there any consequence for doing this? Based on dialog with the elders I assumed I had to yield when they asked or fight my way out of the village (though that might be worth trying anyway).
The village chiefy only makes a threat if you kill the yielding warriors..don't know if it's true though..
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