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Living Tools

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Originally written by Corny Cheese:
I would like to know if anybody can tell me where to use living tools in Geneforge 3 because ive found so many locked doors and i dont know where to use my living tools.
Uh, if you have enough Living Tools for a door, then a message will pop up saying "Do you want to use X Living Tools?".
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With living tools, you don't really "have to" use them anywhere. Most of the locked doors contain just treasure that you can live without. So you can use them anywhere you want.


If you find all doors requiring a lot of living tools, it's time to boost your mechanics skill. You could even skip all locked doors until later and come back with more mechanics.


There are also some doors that you aren't supposed to unlock. Such doors can be unlocked only by spending 5-10 living tools. If that is the case, the door isn't really supposed to be unlocked that way and should be unlocked by a key you find, or by talking to some character. So if you want to save living tools it's a good idea to talk to everybody in town and do their quests before you start unlocking heavily locked doors.

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If you have a stockpile of them, use them now. I think unlocking things gives you experience. If you're always out of living tools and you have the money to spare, buy some more.


You could always save your game, use the tools, see what's behind a door, and decide if it's worth having or whether the tools would be better spent unlocking a different door.


Dikiyoba's strategy is to up mechanics to a ridiculous amount, so Dikiyoba doesn't burn through very many living tools.

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  • 4 months later...

Depends on your play strategy. If you are a fighting type, I'd recommend getting around 6 early on. This is about where it starts becoming expensive to train in and you get to open a lot of doors efficiently. If you are playing a stealth strategy, get at least 12, as you will need it to get past a lot of nasty encounters.

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Originally written by Corny Cheese:
I would like to know if anybody can tell me where to use living tools in Geneforge 3 because ive found so many locked doors and i dont know where to use my living tools.
I use them pretty much everywhere until my mechanics skill is high enough not to need them. By that time, I also have the "Unlock" spell, so locked doors basically become fairly meaningless, unless they're really tough to pick.
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In GF3, the first island needs a maximum of 10 mechanics and you can easily get by in the 6-8 range. The third island (Dhonal's)you need about 12 and you start getting items that you can just for traps and doors.


The main advantage is the extra experience for unlocking doors with mechanics and living tools and removing traps and mines. The game usually has two paths where one requires mechanics and the other combat skills. Doing both ups your experience.

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I usually play as a Shaper, so I can use a little magic and a few living tools. I find that if you get mechanics to 14-15 and stockpile a few LTs, you should be fine throughout the game. I don't play as a Guardian usually, so I don't know about that. The Agent should use lots of Unlock and a few living tools where nessesary.

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