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I am going to buy an iBook G3, but I am unsure about the software I have now. When I use Migration Assistant to take all of my stuff and put it on the new computer, will G3 revert to its demo format? And, if so, what can I do?


Oh, and for you PC people, Migration Assistant is an application which takes everything you have that belongs only to you on your computer, and copies it over to the new computer. So, all your funny little video clips, documents, pix, etc. I'm also worried about Geneforge 3 in the matter of how it will react to the new computer. Anyone with iBook G3s, please reply!

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Originally written by Dominator52:
I am going to buy an iBook G3, but I am unsure about the software I have now. When I use Migration Assistant to take all of my stuff and put it on the new computer, will G3 revert to its demo format? And, if so, what can I do?
If it does, you can just email Spiderweb Software, provide the name and contact details you registered under, and ask for a new registration code. They're really good about that sort of thing.
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Originally written by Randomizer:
Go into the folder for preferences for the operating system and look for the different Spiderweb game preference files. Copy those files to a disk or flash drive and you can reload them when your games "loses" their registrations.
Or, in the Avernum series, when you deactivate the character editor.
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Originally written by Dominator52:
Doesn't ordering on CD-ROM take longer and cost more?
It takes about a week or two in the U.S. to get the CD (which doesn't faze me too much, I'm a very patient person), and yes, it does cost a few dollars more. However, you can submit the game code along with your email address, so you can be sent a regstration code right away.

And there's a plus side to getting the games on CD: You'll always have a registered copy on hand, in case you ever need to re-install or re-register it.
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