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New Geneforge

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If you had clicked on the link Randomizer provided, you would have seen that G5 will come after A5, and that will be the end of the Geneforge series. Jeff is currently working on A5.


As for textspeak-type writing, posts that are hard to read mean that people won't understand what you wrote or will simply ignore them, making it difficult for you to get answers to your questions. Thanks for cutting out those graemlins, by the way.



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When "ppl" write in complete sentences and paragraphs it's easier to understand them.


While I think I successfully translated your individual lines of "text speak", I can't wrap my brain around your point.


Do you talk to people in person like this? I'm not bashing here, just curious.


Try typing like you actually speak and I'll be able to respond to what you're trying to say.

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Oh man can you use some proper grammar. I can't take much more of your uncapitalized letters. I can't understand most of what you are saying.


"i just saying.

i kinda somethines type wrong."


What the heck is up with that, I can't even start to list the grammatical errors. Oy. Learn to write, writing skills will take you far in this world. I'm not trying to be mean but if that's how you articulate yourself you are going to be at a serious disadvantage in today's competitive society.

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You need some good old fashioned language-obsessed flaming. Unless English isn't your first language, or you have some language-related mental disorder, you have no excuse. Nalyd is being mean. He's like that.


Anyway, Blades of Geneforge is going to be awesome. Jeff will make Avernum 5 and 6(end of series), with Geneforge 5(end of series). After that, Jeff will make a new game possibly a new game series. At least, those are the plans.


Someone needs to make a Geneforge-themed BoA scenario.

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