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Problems with Help the Rebels quest.


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After scanning the FAQ and searching the forums I have found absolutely zero information about this.


My problem is that I grabbed the Lankin's Canister as soon as I saw that. When I go to the rebel camp he gives me the quest to destroy the crystal (something I've already done at that point) and then immediatly pressures me into decideing how I want to handle the cainster.


(Off topic I chose to break it. There's a funny bug in the game though. The first time you are asked you have the option of Escaping from the conversation (red checkmark button at the lower right). If you rapidly hit escape you can navigate out of Lankin's range so the entire dialouge dissapears. Of course when he confronts you again you can no longer do this.)


Regardless of what I've tried, even when I'd give him the canister, he won't reward me for destroying the crystal or at least even taking the quest off my quest list. Suggestions (besides restarting and not grabbing the canister right away)?



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If I remember correctly, the only solution is to avoid picking up the canister before talking to Lankan about it. I'll double-check the scripts in the evening, if I have time. (You can find all the game scripts in the data folder, so if you don't mind spoilers it's possible to see effects of all dialogue options.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can certainly do that except... This has little to do with me being able to do the "Help the Rebels Quest".


This also means that I have to get to Dhonal Island without either helping the rebels (via the canister), harming them (killing them all), killing Dwaina, or destroyinf the canister. If there's another way to get off the island I don't know it frown

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It's quite simple.


Scenario 1) You want to help the rebels. So give Lankan his canister already!


Scenario 2) You want to help the Shapers. Ignore that filthy rebels, instead go destroy the creator, leave Harmony Isle and don't return until you have visited Shaper Danell, who will take the canister off you, you can then go back to Lankan if you desire. There is absolutely no need to go anywhere near the rebels if you want to follow the shaper route. Just attend to Diwaniya's instructions.

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Durrrr, I forgot about the creator shocked


Either way, that part of the game is long behind me.


Now that I've finished the game, the only quests that have remained for me are the "Help the Rebels" (too late to change it but has been answered here), the two recurring quests "Shaper Junk and Dried Herbs", the quest about servile spies (I've found some, killed some and the only option I ever got was to 'lie' and say there weren't any confused ), and the quest for puresteel for the Shaper that's in the Warrens (I found one ring and went to have a sword made. Then I killed him).


Overall I'm amazed at the quality of the game. I don't know what Q&A process Jeff has but for one man he has produced an engrossing (well, some minor faults that I've already aired out :p ) game that's relatively bug free (I've certainly never had any glitches, desktop crashes or the like). The 'biggest' bug I've had is in the Geneforge where the Shapers that assist you go hostile if you don't talk to Akhari Blaize before attacking him (or if you attack any of the friendly spawned creations after killing Blaize). Not a big deal and can be worked around.


So yeah, props to Jeff for making an awesome game! Can't wait to play GF4 laugh

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Man, it took me all my e-self-control not to make a post initially flaming G4. It's turning out better and better now, true but...


It's hard to adjust to the new, better graphics because they are smaller as well as the smaller game-world screen (size reduction mostly due to the excellent new map).


Also it's a shame that creation stealing doesn't work any longer. It's that much harder to make money in the beginning of the game frown True, people are complaining that the game's too easy as it is but...


And then, of course, there's the "Infiltraor Adventures" thread on the forums. I need to stop reading that because it only makes me worry that I'm spending my points in the wrong places frown


That aside I love the new weight system where you only need strength for the armor you are equipping and can end up carrying whatever you want as long as you have space. Also, the notations on the mini-map are great but it's a shame we can't make our own.


So yeah, I have all four games now and I need to finish the basement of the MoT in GF3. Played a bit of GF4... Really wish there was a discussion on builds I could find somewhere, especially how to pace Leadership/Mechanics and how to best develop your character...

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Originally by Eugi:


Really wish there was a discussion on builds I could find somewhere, especially how to pace Leadership/Mechanics and how to best develop your character...
There is. In the G4 Forum header, there's a link which leads to all sorts of useful discussions. It won't cover everything, probably, but it will cover a lot.



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Originally written by Eugi:
the "Infiltrator Adventures" thread on the forums. I need to stop reading that because it only makes me worry that I'm spending my points in the wrong places
Don't stop reading! (unless you've never finished a game yet.) There's no truly wrong way to play this game or build a PC. Some people limit themselves to no magic and using sticks to beat everything, because they enjoy the challenge...even if they do stop posting on their progress at some point. :rolleyes: *cough*ash*cough*

The Infiltrator in my story is an extreme build and something of an experiment. In fact, if I were to play an Infiltrator again, I'd build her a little bit differently, which I will comment upon in the conclusion of the tale. So, by my own estimation, I didn't quite "get it right." There is room for "error" though. There are lots of ways to play this game.

The bottom line is: Does your style work for you? Do you get what you most want out of the experience? Was it fun to play? If you can answer, "Yes," well, there you go...mission accomplished. If not, try again, having learned from where you think you went wrong.

Happy Infiltrating...or whatever you're trying to do.

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I feel what you are saying Synergy.


I finished G3 with my half melee/half baton Guardian on Normal difficulty. It was... alright. I doubt I'd get very far with the same gameplan if I were to try Torment and not cheat by giving myself ~40 Restoration Potions/ ~40 Restoration Spores/ ~40 Reaper Thorns :p (this basically allowed me to coast through most encounters because I could make up for my inferior damage through healing).


I guess that, like in many other cases, in GF you need to pick a specialization and stick with it for the rest of the game.... and yeah. Your thread has given me some good ideas on how to play an Agent and I think I have the Guardian down more-or-less... Just need to figure out how to make a Shaper now :p

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