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Originally written by The1Kobra:
You can make a golden crystal ... though you get enough of them anyway, so it probably isn't worth it to make any.
I had used golden crystals on every piece of equipment that could accept enhancements that I was wearing at the end of the game, and two items that I ended up selling, and still ended up with 2 extra golden crystals. As for the other enhancements, there were loads of extras of each of these. The ingredients are far more valuable that the resulting crystal. So I would not bother to make any golden crystals if I were you.
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Originally written by Mike Montgomery:
Originally written by The1Kobra:
You can make a golden crystal ... though you get enough of them anyway, so it probably isn't worth it to make any.
I had used golden crystals on every piece of equipment that could accept enhancements that I was wearing at the end of the game, and two items that I ended up selling, and still ended up with 2 extra golden crystals. As for the other enhancements, there were loads of extras of each of these. The ingredients are far more valuable that the resulting crystal. So I would not bother to make any golden crystals if I were you.
But won't the ingredients be useless? confused
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Originally written by Little Billy Sue:
Not to the NPC merchants. They'll pay very large amounts of money for assorted body parts of exotic creatures.
Least it's worth it. And I Just explored how to make a fiery wand from notes in my journal from kentia mines and Diwaniya's Basement:
1. gemstone
2. stick
3. Perfect fyora Scale
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Originally written by Nick Ringer:
Did you ever consider charging up armor that you intend to sell? It's a total loss of coinage, but hey. A few less times getting acid lanced to death is worth using some common powerup.
I charged up several things I ended up selling, just not usually with golden crystals. With several pieces I used orbs of mist, which supposedly made you harder to hit. Hard to know if that helped or not.
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For a missile user, the Tiny Orb of Mist enhancement, which gives +5% to dodge all attacks, might actually be better than a Golden Crystal, and significantly so. For anyone else, your dodge rate will be too low to count anyway, due to not pumping Dex. It also might be better on Normal, where it's easier to dodge.

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Want to Know how to Create An Essence Aegis? They haven't Put in the Walkthrough yet. Here it is!!!:

Get Perfected Shield, Purified Essence, and Crystalline fibers.

Put All of this onto an anvil and combine it. I made 2 of these and they are worth 5000 gold. You can get the ingredients on the sign in South end If you have the Character Editor.

And another Recipe to create a very strong enhanced Item, I haven't tried this out yet, But Try it if you want to:

Get an Item made by the shaper's art (Containing the word "Shaped" in its name or get a Platinium ring, and a Purifying Elixir. If you do not know how to make a Purifying Elixir, Combine Mandrake Tincture and Demon's Bile.

Now here comes the very easy Part. Combine the Item with the Elixir and you should get something that comes up.

I hope you like the Recipes. winklaughsmilecool

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Originally written by DaCoolShaper:
Want to Know how to Create An Essence Aegis? They haven't Put in the Walkthrough yet. Here it is!!!:
Get Perfected Shield, Purified Essence, and Crystalline fibers.
Put All of this onto an anvil and combine it. I made 2 of these and they are worth 5000 gold. You can get the ingredients on the sign in South end If you have the Character Editor.
And another Recipe to create a very strong enhanced Item, I haven't tried this out yet, But Try it if you want to:
Get an Item made by the shaper's art (Containing the word "Shaped" in its name or get a Platinium ring, and a Purifying Elixir. If you do not know how to make a Purifying Elixir, Combine Mandrake Tincture and Demon's Bile.
Now here comes the very easy Part. Combine the Item with the Elixir and you should get something that comes up.
I hope you like the Recipes. winklaughsmilecool
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