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Outrunning Trajkov

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I found a rather interesting bug in G1: It's possible to outrun Trajkov to the Geneforge, and either use or destroy it (or both!) before he gets there. laugh


Here's how you do it (warning--spoilers):

1) Walk the corridor between Trajkov and the door to the Geneforge to get the area on the automap.

2) Position yourself between Trajkov and the door the Geneforge; this will give you the head start you'll need.

3) Talk to Trajkov, and get him to use any set of gloves; this will open the door the Geneforge.

4) Now it gets a little tricky. As soon as you're out of conversation mode, move as quickly as you can into the Geneforge room.

5) Deactivate a power spiral (even if you don't want to destroy it), walk to the Geneforge, and use and/or destroy it.

6) Sit back and watch as Trajkov either gains power or dies, depending on what you did.


It's tough to do, but definitely doable (at least in the Windows version). It's also fun watching Trajkov kill himself by using a destroyed Geneforge. wink

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Originally written by Archimandrite Micawber:
I assume that 5) deactivating a spiral is a necessary part of the procedure, or you wouldn't have put it in. Can you explain why?

Plus, that spoiler warning should perhaps be in the topic title.
Deactivating the spiral is only necessary for destroying the Geneforge, not using it. The Geneforge is still fully functional without one of its power spirals, so it still can be used. The bug I'm talking about (Trajkov using the Geneforge after you destroyed it) only shows up if you manage to destroy the Geneforge before Trajkov uses it.

And you're right, I probably should've put the spoiler warning in the title; I've never needed one before, and didn't know where to put it, just that I'd need one.
Originally written by Thuryl:
So if both you and Trajkov use the Geneforge, do you get the you-used-the-Geneforge ending or the Trajkov-used-the-Geneforge ending?
You can't have both of you using it; I've tried that already. In all cases (I know because I replayed this scenario repeatedly to get all possible endings), only one of you can use the Geneforge and live.

It all depends on which pair of gloves you give Trajkov. If you use it with the real gloves, you get the you-used-the-Geneforge ending, and Trajkov dies; if Trajkov uses it with the real gloves, you get the Trajkov-used-the-Geneforge ending, because Trajkov won't let you use the Geneforge after he uses it.
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Originally written by Micawber.:
Well you said "Deactivate a power spiral (even if you don't want to destroy it)", which made me think this was necessary to outrun him, somehow.
My mistake; I'm not exactly the best writer.

I should have said "unless you don't want to destroy it," which probably would've avoided a lot of confusion. I was think I was trying to put more emphasis on the fact that it was possible to deactivate a power spiral also, not just simply reaching the Geneforge before Trajkov.
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I meant visually. The Geneforge only looks cool in the original game.


And everyone's names are cooler in GF. Trajkov, Heustess, and Sencia to name a few. The characters are deeper. The language barrier is the best. The whole Sholai concept was a surprise to me. The giant side quests (the Spirit Temple and the Shaper Tombs) were the best. And the spells were simple and effective.


And the Drakons, with all due respect to Mr. Vogel, almost ruin the game for me. "Tyrannosaurs in F-15's" if you catch my drift.


The original Geneforge rules. Long live the Sholai.

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