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An idea, and hear me out on this...


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I'm planning (and have started work on) a scenario revolving around an order of druids who've had their leader kidnapped. The druids are supposed to be the driving force behind the stability of the valley they live in, supporting the few settlements therein. Up for creation: treehouse temples, treants of some sort, recreating Find Herbs in the likeness of an item, divine intervention, and a plot which changes to suit the party's nature lore skill.


The other main part of the scenario will be on the other side of an incredibly rugged mountain range (which will make up the middle part of the scenario), and will focus on fighting the druids' enemy (who kidnapped their leader), an order of drakes and lizards bent on chaos and self-indulgence. Slated for development: a shadow drake, fire-breathing chickens, working sewers (an oddity in the land of the Empire), the revived ability of flight, and acolytes which bear a strange resemblance to Garzahd.


Does any of this sound remotely plausible to anyone?

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Specifics are always the least important part of scenarios. A vague sense of the plot and a laundry list of different "neat things" included doesn't exactly engender faith in the coherence and plot.


Why are you asking, anyway? If you like the idea, go ahead with it. If you feel you must put "neat things" in it, then plan it out -- don't hinge your scenario on such a thing until you know you're able to do it.


The best way to find out whether something is feasible is just to do it. This is a young medium -- if someone had asked in '99 whether movies could be made with Blades of Exile, they probably would have received a categorical no.


Blades of Avernum is new enough that even the supposed "experts" are just ahead of the curve -- there's a lot of stuff nobody's explored yet. Just go ahead and do it, and let us know if you pull it off. By releasing it, of course.


Oh, and there seems to be a negative correlation between the amount of talking the designer does about a scenario and the likelihood of it being completed. Just letting you know.

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Dear Corrigere, Experienced editors are nothing more then long time newbies. If you had not created Roses of Reckoning I might believe you when you suggest that you have any "worthwhile" experience in this category. I am a newbie, and I have a scenario close to being done that (while I am not bragging, and this is completely a matter of opinion) will blow Roses of Reckoning out of the water. Why? It's called choice, reason, and logic. All of which were sadly lacking in your scenario. I on the other hand have not played any of your other scenario's, therefore cannot say whether or not you actually have quality work, however to degrade newbies, is obviously extremely self-righteous of you.

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Play Emerald Mountain, or his more recent BoE scenarios (especially Bandits 2 or Nebulous Times Hence). And, uh, you should just ignore the philosophy in his scenarios. They work better that way.


Anyway, he's not saying you can't make a good scenario. He's saying that if you say you're going to make a scenario, and you've never made a scenario before, you probably won't finish it. Which is certainly true.

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Uh, Squirrel, get a clue . And seriously, if you're going to blast someone, at least work on your punctuation.


More to the point, he's not degrading newbies. He's repeating a well-established fact. Most scenarios don't get finished. Talking about one before it is finished is almost always setting one's self up for embarrassment, unless one is a proven designer who consistently finishes these things.

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Originally written by Squirrel:
Dear Corrigere, Experienced editors are nothing more then long time newbies. If you had not created Roses of Reckoning I might believe you when you suggest that you have any "worthwhile" experience in this category. I am a newbie, and I have a scenario close to being done that (while I am not bragging, and this is completely a matter of opinion) will blow Roses of Reckoning out of the water. Why? It's called choice, reason, and logic. All of which were sadly lacking in your scenario. I on the other hand have not played any of your other scenario's, therefore cannot say whether or not you actually have quality work, however to degrade newbies, is obviously extremely self-righteous of you.
Think of the children.

This has been a Moderator Moment.
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Squirrel, Roses of Reckoning sorta sucked.


But, ya know, that's just one out of something like 20 scenarios he's designed. Out of those, I'd say at least 15 are better, most of them much better.


Now, on the other hand, there's one of you, and you suck.


I think TM has a better track record here.

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Don't let the system get you down.


If it's a good idea to you, then make it. Maybe you just aren't able to convert your amazing thoughts into text we can neither read nor understand the magnatude of its greatness.


No one thinks I can make anything worth playing, but I am, and I dare say it is coming along very nicely.

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LOL, amazing how much people can continue on from one post. While I realize I should have read the post from corrigere more closely, and then would have never thought he was insulting newbies, and I know the well known fact that most newbie scenarios are never released, Roses of Reckoning still sucked, and I cannot hold respect for someone who would disgrace BOA so. 20+ good scenarios does not make up for one that disgraces the name. If it had been just a bad scenario, then yes they would. No need to continue, you all have way too large a stick up your a** anyway.


Edit: Oh, and Ephesos, I would suggest making a few scenarios with about 1-5 towns, even if you never release them, before you try something on a larger scale

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Funny thing, that.


I cannot hold respect for somebody who can throw away many years of far-from-easy work, most of it successful, in a medium where the defamer hasn't released the paltriest effort to date and is offended when her infantile, philistine world of killing goblins comes into question by something that doesn't necessarily have sidequests and legions of objectified vahnatai to mow down.


And you people wonder why my primary motivation for making scenarios has been spite.


In summation:



QED. Have a nice day. ^_^

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Ephesos, the irritation was directed at Squirrel, not at you. If you can make a scenario, go for it. We welcome all the scenarios we can get. But the idea is 5% of the thing at most; the rest is execution. Your idea shows promise, but that means almost nothing in terms of the final product.


EDIT: Squirrel, stop it.

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Reckoning still sucked, and I cannot hold respect for someone who would disgrace BOA so. 20+ good scenarios does not make up for one that disgraces the name. If it had been just a bad scenario, then yes they would. No need to continue, you all have way too large a stick up your a** anyway.
Squirrel -- You are are being extremely rude and offensive to the board members. Consider this your final warning.
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