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The original design contest

Celtic Minstrel

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Does anyone know if there's a place listing the outcome of the original, Spiderweb-hosted Blades of Exile scenario design contest? I was thinking it would be nice to link to that from the OpenBlades website, but I can't seem to find anything.


Results of subsequent contests would be nice too, but I'm mainly looking for the original one.

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The results for what I believe was the first scenario contest are still online, although they’re a little hidden away. They’re found in the middle of the list of links on the Blades of Exile scenario workshop:




Is this the contest you meant, or am I misinterpreting you?


It’s quite an interesting list. I was aware of the prize-winners, but the runners-up are worth casting an eye over. I think it’s fair to say that all of them remained well-known scenarios long after this contest ended. For instance, Erika’s Legacy is on there, as is Nephil’s Gambit! And Requelle’s Nightmare is on there too, which I think might have been the first user-made BoE scenario I ever played!


As for the other contests, they’re a bit harder. Here’s a broad summary of the earlier contests, but not every contest has the winners noted:




I'll list what I have so far below. There is probably more information out there, but this should provide somewhere to start from! The entries without links have been borrowed from the above, and from the following Lyceum post. They're almost certainly incomplete:




Here are the listings, presented in what I believe is the order in which the contests were run:




2nd Scenario Design Contest:


1st: Redemption – Alcritas
2nd: Of Good and Evil – Alcritas
3rd: Farmhands Save the Day!! – Measle
4th: The Election – Nick Jones




Blades of Exile Short Competition:


1st: The Lost Expedition – Brett Bixler




3rd Scenario Design Contest:


1st: Masks – Brett Bixler
2nd: An Apology – Alcritas




Second Short Competition:


1st: Zankozzie’s Big Mistake – Ryan Phelps




The 4th Scenario Design Contest:






The Scenario Review Contest:






The Coding Contest:






1/10 Contest:


1st: Deadly Goblins – Creator

2nd: Dirty Gold – Ryan Phelps
3rd (joint): Demon – Khoth
3rd (joint): Echoes: Assault – Terror’s Martyr




The 5th Scenario Design Contest (a.k.a. The Omega Contest) had several categories.


Best Scenario, Best Large Scenario, Best Small Scenario, and Best Newcomer Scenario:




Best Dialogue/Talking Pics:




Best Utility Scenario:




Best Item Graphic:




Best Edited Terrain:




Best Original Monster Graphic:




Best Original Terrain:




Best Edited Monsters:




Best Movie Scenario:






The 6th Scenario Design Contest also had several categories.


Best Scenario: [Missing – sorry!]


Best Edited Terrain:




Best Original Monsters: [Missing]


Best Edited Monsters:




Best Contest Dialog/Talking:




Best Original Terrain: [Missing]


Best Large Original Monster:




Best Item Graphic: [Missing]




The Don’t Fix the Shark contest:


I believe TM may have won this, with 'Nebulous Times Hence'. Do you remember, @Kelandon? I think you may have judged this one?




The 7th Scenario Design Contest:






The Pearl Contest (although I think there may only have been one entry):






That's the end of the list so far!

Edited by Ess-Eschas
Fixed a missing tilde.
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1 hour ago, Ess-Eschas said:

The results for what I believe was the first scenario contest are still online, although they’re a little hidden away. They’re found in the middle of the list of links on the Blades of Exile scenario workshop:




Is this the contest you meant, or am I misinterpreting you?

Yes, that looks like the one I was thinking of – complete with cash prizes totalling $1000!


Regarding the rest – I haven't looked at them yet, but it seems to me that it might be a nice idea to edit together a page summarizing them all for posterity's sake…




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Ah, I *knew* there was a complete list somewhere! Honestly, I feel a little silly for not thinking to check on Kelandon’s Archive. Many thanks for posting this, Slarty!


If nothing else, I suppose the list in my previous post allows some independent verification of Kelandon’s data, and provides links to some of the original source material. So, in effect, it’s a little like a set of citations made after the fact!


For what it’s worth, Celtic Minstrel, I think it probably would be a good idea to transfer this information onto an active website. While the information is on the Internet Archive, it can only really be found by those who know where to look – although Slarty’s post here will certainly have made it much more visible from now on. Posting the information somewhere new should help record it for posterity, and that’s probably a good thing!


Also, sorry Lilith for misremembering the results of the ‘Don’t Fix the Shark' Contest!

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I've just saved that page, plus the linked-to pages including Brett Bixler's and Terror's Martyr's. I'll put it on BladesOfExile.com at some point, although I probably won't deal with actually updating BoE or the website itself for now. I've been dealing with severe mental illness for the past few years, and related legal issues, and I have to focus on that and on staying calm for now. I'm hoping to resume work on BoE at some point soonish though.

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