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Geneforge 2 Journal

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For the Geneforge 2 remake, I want to see journal entries for slaying unique enemies and major characters like in the later games. For instance, the Rotting Demon could be "The demon falls to its knees, then throws its hands into the sky and lets out a scream.  You cover your ears because of how painfully loud it is.  The demon then melts into a puddle of foul smelling ooze. You see something solid that remains, a claw."  Can anyone else brainstorm ideas for such entries?

Edited by Superdeath25
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1 hour ago, alhoon said:

Can't you save the dialog box in the journal in GF2? I forget.


That's what I was wondering too.  Personally I don't want things auto-writing into my journal/notes.  I tend to keep them free for copying notes such as 'You can't read this book yet, you need arcane lore of 7...' or other reminders to go back later.


What I'd REALLY like in the remake is a journal that does the normal things but also lets 'you' put notes in there as well.


Expanded/amusing/verbose kill dialogues are always welcome

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19 minutes ago, TriRodent said:


That's what I was wondering too.  Personally I don't want things auto-writing into my journal/notes.  I tend to keep them free for copying notes such as 'You can't read this book yet, you need arcane lore of 7...' or other reminders to go back later.


What I'd REALLY like in the remake is a journal that does the normal things but also lets 'you' put notes in there as well.


Expanded/amusing/verbose kill dialogues are always welcome

I didn't mean it would auto write. It would be an entry you could choose to keep if you wish.  So yeah, in this thread I wanted to see if we could write ideas for kill dialogues

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2 hours ago, alhoon said:

Can't you save the dialog box in the journal in GF2? I forget. 


Or you mean there's no kill dialogue? I am pretty sure there's kill dialogue for some NPCs. I wouldn't take a vow, but I seem to recall there is. 

There is almost no kill dialogue in Geneforge 2.  A tiny bit more than Geneforge 1, but still, very little.  

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54 minutes ago, Superdeath25 said:

  So yeah, in this thread I wanted to see if we could write ideas for kill dialogues


Whew, it's been so long since I've wandered around the GF2 lands that, while remembering the general story, I doubt if I can recall specific bosses/battles/encounters.


That said, this is probably a good time to mess with this.  Jeff is busy with QW2 & by the time it's ready to distribute then his thoughts are already drifting to the next project (GF2 The Revamping).  Maybe by then we'll have a good sized thread for him to be inspired by/roll his eyes to...

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I was thinking the dialogues would be for killing npcs such as the faction leaders, some of the named gazers,  the Drakon Master in the bonus area,  the unique Rotghoroth in the bonus area, maybe the spawner near Drypeak, Stanis, some named ghosts, the bandit leaders in the Warren of the Three, the Bound One, some named Drayks and Drakons, things like that.

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Maybe  "The rogue shaper Barzahl falls to the ground mortally wounded.  He looks up at you with disgust "I may die, but the Barzites will live on."  There is a bright glow as all the energy within him burns his body from the inside out. You look away to avoid blindness.   When you look back, all that remains of Barzahl is a goopy, disgusting mess.   You suspect the Shaper Council will approve.  On the other hand, Barzahl's remaining followers will probably hold a grudge"

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1 hour ago, Superdeath25 said:

and a way to delete comments irrelevant to the topic.  So farm I am disappointed with this thread because many of the comments are not journal entries like I wanted


Hmmm, so far in this thread I see you, Alhoon, & me kicking an idea around, nobody else & yet 'many' of the comments aren't matching up in lockstep with what you want.  And yet what you want is commentary on minor things that happened within a game that came out over 18 years ago ... on a website that recently is lucky to average 1-2 posts/day over the entire site.


So rather than put out a variety of names along with reminders of just 'who' they are and/or circumstances as to just why people should remember their demise and then want to expand upon them, you went with the 'I don't care if the game is old enough to vote, why aren't you writing out things that I want' option.  Good luck with that approach.  You've been here roughly 6 weeks, Alhoon & I a combined 16 years.  Half your total posts are in this thread, Alhoon & I have been ... rather verbose shall we say.  I am NOT, not saying stfu noob or go away, but rather things tend to go where they wind up, enjoy the journey & if/where needed you can try to shove things back on topic if you really feel the need.  Just don't be upset if/when others don't feel the need to traipse down the path you want to lead them.


Then too there's the part where Jeff has said many times over the years that the part he enjoys most about making his games is the actual writing of dialogue/encounters, so he's probably not all that interested in giving that up.  He did however announce that there will be an upcoming Go Fund Me for the GF2 remake.  Being a pragmatic fellow, I'm sure if you threw enough money at him, he'd let you write at least one death scene.


And if everyone not marching in unison with your version of how things should be, there's always the, up in the upper right of every post, the three dots that when clicked will among other things, let you 'report' the post.  Perhaps you can convince one of tptb that this is your litterbox & only those that poop in the right way should be allowed to do so.  Or perhaps not, up to them really...


Anyway, good luck with your quest to gather death scene journal entries.  I shall not be bothering to make any up (probably), but who knows, if things wander even further afield, perhaps I'll come back to see where things went.

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3 hours ago, TriRodent said:

I am NOT, not saying stfu noob or go away ...


While it might not be your intent, I’m afraid what you’ve written here does rather imply that. Despite our best intentions, saying that something isn’t true does not always make it so.


Pulling rank on new members is unhelpful, and really doesn’t encourage a warm, healthy and welcoming community. If we want to have more than those few posts a day that you mention, TriRodent, we need to be supportive of our new members!


As someone not involved in this conversation, it seems to me that you’ve been a rather disruptive element here. Enough so that the other people in the conversation have called you out on it. I think the original poster has every right to complain when their topic is highjacked by barely-related material that is – as you yourself point out – sailing close to the wind regarding our forums guidelines. I’m not sure your recent post has done much better in that regard.


I’m not trying to have a go at you, TriRodent, and this is not an official warning. But I do find the tone in your response here concerning. Perhaps now might be a time to just have a quick review of our forums guidelines. I suggest you pay particular attention to rule 2.


Superdeath25, please don’t be disheartened by the recent negative tone in this topic, and please do keep posting on our forums! It’s always interesting to see people bringing new ideas and suggestions for Spiderweb’s games!


I’m afraid I’m not familiar enough with the Geneforge series to offer my own suggestions for journal entries. However, there may well be others on these forums who haven’t seen your posts yet, and may yet have some ideas of their own.


If I might make a suggestion, could you perhaps provide a few more examples? Maybe dialogues for one or two more foes that you haven’t mentioned yet? That might help people get an idea of the sort of style you’re considering for these journal entries, and perhaps inspire them with thoughts of their own!


And, even if not, alhoon can always let you know how to add these dialogues into the games yourself. You could then release a mod of your own including all of your written material – which could provide an interesting enhancement of the base games! It’s also worth mentioning that, while this only happens rarely, Jeff has been known to pay attention to community mods in the past, and been inspired by them in his subsequent work!

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4 hours ago, TriRodent said:

You've been here roughly 6 weeks, Alhoon & I a combined 16 years.


*coughs loudly*


There's not much for me to say after Ess.  I don't understand where the heck this came from -- you're better than this, TriRodent -- but I have to point out that even as a math-based power play this fails utterly... given the large quantity of members who've been here longer than the two of you combined 😛

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8 hours ago, Ess-Eschas said:



Superdeath25, please don’t be disheartened by the recent negative tone in this topic, and please do keep posting on our forums! It’s always interesting to see people bringing new ideas and suggestions for Spiderweb’s games!



I will probably still post, but I do wish there were more commentators here. It appears the Spiderweb Forums gets less activity than the Hardlight Forums where I post about Freespace related stuff.  I don't see as much variety in responders here.  

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11 hours ago, Superdeath25 said:

I will probably still post, but I do wish there were more commentators here. It appears the Spiderweb Forums gets less activity than the Hardlight Forums where I post about Freespace related stuff.  I don't see as much variety in responders here.  

Well you could give a spin to the forums and invite your friends in, if they have played the games. If they haven't, Summer is a good opportunity to inform them about the games. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought of one for the Guardian ghost in Dead Pass that drops the Guardian Claymore

THe Guardian drops his sword suddenly.  He says "Free! I am free! I thank you" before the energy holding him together fails.  He dissipates into the air, never to be seen again.  From the screeches you hear in the distance, so have the ghosts haunting the pass.  You stare at his sword. It looks very strong.  It could clear out any remaining enemies here with ease

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While I don't mind, I wouldn't think a guardian's ghost would act with that glee. Something more like "as the shade diminishes, you see a hint of a smile. The last words before the shade dissipates are 'thank you'. Only his sword remains behind and you can feel the power of this weapon." 

You see, there is no guarantee that the person killing that guardian is a guardian. A shaper would have little need of that sword. 

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