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How to get to canister in Pentil woods?


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Ran across that canister in the mined shed in Pentil woods. In the OG Geneforge, it simply involved sending in a sacrificial thahd to get the job done. Now we can't move creations separate from the main character, and I don't recall there being any sort of switch for the mines in this zone. So how is a player supposed to get the canister, given that face tanking the blasts leads to swift death?

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Honestly, in most mine fields I tend to just walk up next to them (even the big ones...one at a time) & then heal if needed.  Most seem to only do at most a couple dozen points in damage & I can deal with that (provided there's no wandering critters about to put me into a fight).  If you have creations, combat works best to keep them shielded/away from the blast area.  Or if they get killed, go back to town and make some more (as apparently it's morally 'correct' to think of your companions in this game as disposable...).


Once you get it, Essence Shield works great at absorbing a lot of damage (not just mines but there too).  Cast it on yourself, walk into the mines, heal if needed, recast ES, & keep on plowing through.  Go back to town after to recharge yourself (as there is no day counter/time limitations...why not game the game).


And Nicolai, welcome.  Over near the front door is a box to place your sanity in.  Don't worry, once you hang out with us reprobates for a while you'll see that sanity is a handicap rather than a benefit around here...

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