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Priest spells Divine Retribution and Move Mountains

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Yes: apparently in the Mac version you have the option to attack friendly NPCs, which you don't have in the PC version. That option *probably* isn't supposed to be there, and I hope that somebody has reported this bug to Jeff and that it will be fixed in the future.

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I actually think the opposite - *not* being able to attack friendly NPCs should be the bug, not the other way around. Not to sound anti-social or anything - just saying, freeform gameplay and all.


You probably don't have that some sort of freedom (like stealing) because your're Avernite soldier, not random adventurer like in A:EFTP.

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I actually think the opposite - *not* being able to attack friendly NPCs should be the bug, not the other way around. Not to sound anti-social or anything - just saying, freeform gameplay and all.


The message you get when you attempt to attack a friendly character makes it pretty clear that the behaviour is intentional. The ability to attack friendly characters in the Mac version seems to be an accidental holdover from previous games.

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How do I update my version of A2CS so that I can have the Int-based version of MM?


You don't: there's currently no version of A2:CS in which Move Mountains is Int-based. The version update people were talking about was for Avernum 1: Escape from the Pit, and applied to Divine Retribution, not Move Mountains.

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