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Solo Character

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I am currently playing it through as a reg party current at lvl 30 and fairly close to end-game territory (acquiring crystal souls atm) but I kind of want to try it with a single character party.


You couldn't really do this terribly well in AV1 w/o the editor because of the "almost cap" at lvl30 and then training points only every 5 lvls after that.


That brings me to two questions...


Is there a lvl camp in AV2 similar to AV1 and what lvl is it at?




Has anyone tried playing with a single character and was it fun/doable/etc?



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I like a challenge, where I have to think plenty about how to do my battles effectively, but I don't want it to be impossible.


I'd try it on normal (as solo char) first I think. Normal has had its challenges w/ party of 4 but never anything that a bit more time and a few adjustments in tactics couldn't fix.


And the rate at which I go up as a solo is why I am worried/asking about a cap. If it is/was set too low it wouldn't be worth the effort to me.


Thanks for info, that helps for sure.

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Sorry for my question being a little off-topic, but I felt it didn't really warrant it's own thread: How does a character duo fare compared to the solo?


Logically they would level faster than the party of four, but not as much as a solo character. The thing is, it seems playing a singleton gets tedious sometimes because you need to 'farm' wisdom crystals to get strong enough to actually beat the game. (At least, in A:EftP it was) Is this still a necessity with two characters, or do they fare better just playing "normally"?

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Sorry for my question being a little off-topic, but I felt it didn't really warrant it's own thread: How does a character duo fare compared to the solo?


Logically they would level faster than the party of four, but not as much as a solo character. The thing is, it seems playing a singleton gets tedious sometimes because you need to 'farm' wisdom crystals to get strong enough to actually beat the game. (At least, in A:EftP it was) Is this still a necessity with two characters, or do they fare better just playing "normally"?


Logically, you're correct about levelling up. I don't think any of the big names around here have actually tried a duo to see what it's like in practice. We'd be very grateful if you'd try it out and report your results -- you could be a trailblazer!


If I were going to do it, I'd probably make one character a tanky healer and the other a more damage-focused caster.

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