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Okay, thanks.


EDIT: Now I have another concern.


I took the Ale to Lancaster Simms and got him drunk, went into the cellar, searched the bookcases and everything, and found nothing. So I tried again. This time, however, one bookcase in the cellar has a lever and I can get in and explore. But now there's another Lancaster Simms standing in the doorway that appeared after I gave him the ale that seems to be mad at me because I have a long M-someting Nephil. So I can't get out? Bug? Player error? *sigh*

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I can't remember anything like that. There was lots of traps, dead ends and secret doors, and a last trick sealing thieves in the final treasury vault. But I can't remember anything about Nephil-whatevers.

Unless ... did you go back to Independence City, and bring Meirinkaprr with you?

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Ya, the sapphire necklace was the only reason I went in there. And I'm supposing there's a way to loot all the chests in there and still getting out without being burned to death by quickfire, but I don't have that kind of time. :p


Unfortunately, Clint's sword is the only thing I have left. So. I don't particularly like the southern part of the Slith island because of those darn archers. They only go for one guy. And kill him, too.

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To survive the sliths, start every outdoor fight with Major Haste and Slow Group, then have your fighters move to close range with the archers so they won't shoot.


EDIT: Ah, wait, you're not using magic, right? That's going to make things... difficult. Well, moving to melee range is still good advice.

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Clint's Sword is in a box (at 36,20) in the Slith Village (40,406 on the outdoors).

When fighting archers (or groups of spell-casters), this strategy works fine for my parties:

1. Every PC steps 3 tiles back. Warriors wait or stop, while spell-casters bless and haste the whole party.

2. Warriors wait (only fighting if the enemy has reached them) while the spell-casters launch their best area spells (Firestorm, Wall of Blades ... anything) centered in enemy archers (or spell-casters). After they are done, the warriors run to reach and kill any survivors.

3. Individual melees. Spell-casters may join (if strong enough) and so save spell-points for next encounter.

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Another problem. This time it's my fault, though.


I did the mission to become a Curate in the Priest's Guild and asked Mother Catherine about 'mission', where she offered me my reward. But before I took it, I decided to save, just in case. So I asked her about mission again, but she just mentioned Father Argos and no reward. Upon asked about reward, there was no response. Anyone know what the reward was, or if it's vital to the scenario?

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Father Antos? Anyway, I s'pose I can go without.


Another question, since it makes no sense to make a whole new topic:


I went in the Nephilim Cave and talked to the Priestess there like a long time ago, so now I'm finally getting around to Merinkaprr. (Fun, fun giant quest :p ) But how do I get Merinkaprr to come with me? Asking about 'leave' gives nothing.

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