* Pixie (#65): cr_species undefined, being 0 (human) the default.
* Centaur (#102): cr_start_item_2 & cr_start_item chance_2, both have two different values.
* item #74 (Cursed Halberd): it_cursed = 1, then it_cursed = 0. So, it's not cursed.
* #75 (Bronze Halberd): if the above is corrected, it will need its own "it_cursed = 0".
* #270 (Shield Ring): imported from item #264 (Ring of Vulnerability), it keeps the it_protection value to -3, and with this every other ring except the Armor Ring (it_protection = 12) and Quicksilver Ring (it_protection = 3).
* #353 (Bolts of Life): though magic, their assigned value is the same as for the common version (it_value = 40)
* #354 (Arrows of Light): as with the Bolts of Life, above (here: (it_value = 20)
* #361 (Ogrish Gauntlets): two different values for both it_ability_1 and it_ability_str_1.
* #362 (Giantish Gauntlets), #365 (Micah's Gloves) & #441 (Archer's Bow): as with the Ogrish Gauntlets, two different values for both it_ability_1 and it_ability_str_1.
* #390 (Rough Diamond): maybe not an error, this bauble is a missile, and more damaging than common Rocks.