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the two things that make the least sense in gameplay


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i know spiderweb is probably not going to update avadon.


but they should.


they should make 2 or 3 minor changes, put game on 25% sale, and have the faithful fans do media blitz.


here are two biggest, quickest easiest changes.



1) when you goto the map and leave an area.....there should be round icon to go back to avadon. it is nonfunctional and [censored]ing annoying that I have to goto goldcrag or whereever and walk through an area first.


it might be different if there was respawn or events, to suggest that getting to the pylon was hard. but it is not hard., it just sucks 3 minutes of your life


2) completely effing useless items littering the game--- there are so so so many items with no use. and that is fine. at first I was like "oh [censored] should I save hammer and tongs and stuff will I need them to build things?" so far...no. but what is the easiest fix? either a) take them out of the game. which seems extreme. or B) the awesome sauce answer... have every useless item give you exactly one gold when sold. too much? then if your junkbag is full of them they all together give you one gold. or if you have junkbag full of items worth money, and one or two zeroed items, they now give you 1 gold because of bulk sale.


those would be my two suggestions.

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There was a poll about junk items a little while ago and the majority of respondents liked having the junk items. There is a topic in Avadon 2 about changes to the game and a lot of it is contradictory because for almost every feature that someone hates, someone else likes it. I would be happy to be able to jump right back to Avadon, though it was only in Castle Vebeaux that I found it incredibly annoying. There are some improvements to traveling between maps in Avadon 2 that make it a lot better as far as I am concerned, though not as simple as having a button to send you back.

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I would be happy to be able to jump right back to Avadon, though it was only in Castle Vebeaux that I found it incredibly annoying.

Totally this. It was a long haul from the entrance to the zone all the way back up the stairs, to the portal. In light of the entire set of events in that area, I see why it was done this way, but there had to be a better way to organize it.

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A gate or set of doors that were normally open that are now closed would have sufficed to force us to take the long route in the endgame quest, though it would definitely be too difficult to fix now. As I said above, I am happy with the changes Jeff made in the system for Avadon 2 and the locations of the pylons in Avadon 2.

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"junk items like tongs, vases, etc make places looklike real area where some1 lives/lived"


I never said I mind the items being there, in fact I said quote: "[you could] take them out of the game. which seems extreme. or B) the awesome sauce answer... have every useless item give you exactly one gold when sold



I think it is pretty obvious that I favored door number 2---leave them in, but make them worth one gold. I am level 27 and had 6000 gold. if I had gotten every little item in game that might add about 500 gold that is not game breaking.

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Junk actually used to be worth a tiny amount. That resulted in diligent players picking up every single piece of junk, which was both a ton of not very fun work and a way to break the gold curve. Jeff Vogel then made it all worthless.


—Alorael, who thinks it was a good choice. Some trowels need to be unsellable.

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besides in the end of game player has usually some money left since there isn't that much training to be bought nor armors/weaps since better ones are usually gotten as reward or found. equipping all party members with scarabs isn't difficult either since those are found and gotten as reward and only some are needed to buy.

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