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How To Kill Duke Gryfyn?


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I found Duke Gryfyn, but can't stop him from reaching the portal and escaping. Is there another chance to fight him later, and I'm not supposed to catch him this time?


Or is there some way of thwarting his escape? I've been using summoned pets, knockback/immobilizing abilities, none of it has been able to do more than delay him from reaching the portal by a round or two.

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Once possibility is using that shaman wind spell that immobilizes the target. I could keep quaffing potions to use that ability as often as necessary, and that would also allow frequent castings of mass heal.


The real problem with that battle is the fear effect though. Hard to do much when 1-3 of your party is fleeing in terror. Otherwise it would be pretty simple to keep throwing scrolls and potions at the problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It well and truly isn't easy. Even with rigorous preparation and using stuns. (Mostly because of that damn Fear effect.)


Also, I wouldn't necessarily say you aren't supposed to be able to defeat him. You do get a dialogue box if you manage to kill him. (Thankfully, his death unsummons those Infernals.)


The dialogue box is basically . . . "He dies a few feet away from the portal. Maybe if he'd feld right away, rather than being so cocky as to have a chat with you, he wouldn't be dead." (Rough summary by memory.)


Then you report that you killed him, the dude is all, "Good. We won't have to track him down.", and you get about the same reward you'd have gotten if you just let him go. (I think the only difference is 100 additional gold, other than what you loot off of Gryfyn.)


Despite this, if you ever talk to the guy that asked you to find Gryfyn again . . . He will always act as though Gryfyn got away. (So yeah. It's not that you aren't supposed to. It's just that, even if you do, the game/plot doesn't care.)

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Killing Chabon before Redbeard can get to him?


Nope. I've never done that. I don't think I've ever actually tried either.


I could probably give it a go, but I'd have to start a new game and work my way back to that fight. I'm not sure I want to do another run just to see if I can pull it off.

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It's a shame. I tried twice to kill him before the arrival of Redbeard but I failed even though I had a party consisting of two shadowalkers and a tinkermage, then with the ability to get out of the traps without wasting time to destroy turrets and mines. I used all elysirs of recovery and the shards of the phoenix to shorten the time of engagement and eventually I came to a single round from killing him, but not fast enough to avoid the intervention of Redbeard. I'd like to know if anyone has succeeded.

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Thanks Shogo, I managed to kill Gryfin.

The very short way to kill him is to use Shards of the Phoenix, if you have any left at this point, to allow the Tinkermage to use Yankshots and Netshots repeatidly, immobiliizing and preventing any attack from the Duke.

While I tried to survive the infernals, and with a little help from that scarab which heal two effects at once (can't remember its name), this way I killed Gryfin in six rounds. The Necklace of Vitality you get is worth while, the Wrap is a duplicate of a good one you may already won. The party consisted of Shadowalker, Sorcerer and Tinkermage.

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  • 1 month later...

I can confirm that you are not allowed to kill Chabon.


I always do my first playthrough on what is basically god-mode. Casual, start at level 30, etc... basically I want to enjoy the story arc and feel out the characters my first time and then decide what challenges and allegiances I want to pursue my next time.


I got Chabon down to zero health and got in several big hits after that. He did not die. At the end of the turn, Redbeard apprehended him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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