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so i finally got a wifi signal


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so my internet went down at 1:00 am on friday and the resnet (people on campus in charge of internet) is closed until tuesday.


nobody in my building and the building next door have net


so i mangaged to find my wifi adapter and get a signal from the apartment across the street. as you can see it took some work


so is it just me who has crap for internet luck or does this happen to normal people too and they just suffer

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so is it just me who has crap for internet luck or does this happen to normal people too and they just suffer

You are not among normal people :p ?

(On the topic, the internet service is rather start stop in my college too, and we don't even have any idea who we are supposed to complain to about this :( )

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You are not among normal people :p ?


Sy's too awesome to be normal. :p


The internet service in our college (or more precisely, our CS department) is crappy as hell. I know exactly who we are supposed to complain to about this, and have, but it's not helping.


See, our department has its own little network center, and provides its own wifi. So the campus network doesn't cover our building. Except our department wifi went down a few weeks ago and apparently nobody has figured out how to fix it (mainly because everyone in charge has an office with landline, and therefore hasn't got it on a high priority). We're left with the shaky campus signal we can get from the next building over.

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You are not among normal people :p ?

Sy's too awesome to be normal. :p


I work from home doing tech support for my ISP. You would think that would mean my internet connection is very good, right? To be fair, when it works, it works quite well. I have a 25Mbps bonded DSL connection (two phone lines joined together for twice the bandwidth) For the most part, it is stable and fast. However, there is a small amount of interference on the line due to my building's old copper wiring, and that can cause the signal to simply drop without warning when the connection is utilizing all the bandwidth for a sustained period. I have had various line technicians out here who all claim there is nothing wrong, and yet it continues to happen.

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I lost my net connection couple months ago due unpaid bills (when in reality they owed me due overpaying, they changed account number but didn't tell it anywhere) so a while I used only mobile net until got broadband (quicker than old isp's broadband) from other isp and sometimes mobile net was near comparable to broadband but alot times it was like using 56k modem.

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I've got a wireless broadband signal. I get to watch download speed fluctuate as the wind blows the nearest tower around.


You are lucky, when I went to school you needed to pay for your own internet connection or walk over to a campus computer that was connected to it. This was back in the day of acoustical dial up modems. :)

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I have a good ethernet connection, although on occasion it doesn't work for a few hours. Because all of my homework assignment are posted on the internet, having no connection is a problem.


I can't get Wi-Fi in my room because I'm up against a thick wall. The signal is strong if I walk out into the living room though.

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