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A college that believes blocking information unrelated to your studies is unnecessarily and cruelly stifling your curiosity and freedom to explore knowledge.


And let's be honest. What does it hurt the college to let you search for boobs? That $200,000 for access is going to have to be paid with or without boobs. And when it's also going to filter out a fair amount of breast cancer something's very wrong.


—Alorael, who can come up with unlikely cases where extreme use of bandwidth causes problems. But that's a challenge for an engineering school. Make better connections capable of handling the load!

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Maybe it's legitimate for a college not to want its servers bogging down in the search for porn.


what kind of porn site even uses the word "boob"


. . . So they pay per bit transferred?


for the record this is a very common model for internet service pricing outside of the US, especially for business customers

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A college that believes blocking information unrelated to your studies is unnecessarily and cruelly stifling your curiosity and freedom to explore knowledge.


And let's be honest. What does it hurt the college to let you search for boobs? That $200,000 for access is going to have to be paid with or without boobs. And when it's also going to filter out a fair amount of breast cancer something's very wrong.

Are you suggesting that it's a right on the student's part to use public money to fulfill "your curiosity and freedom to explore knowledge", even when it's knowledge of the kind mentioned, the people generally feel like they are sort of paying for the student's studies and as for blocking info irrelevant to studies it's not as if they prohibit a personal net connection, go get that if you are feeling the need to fulfill "your curiosity and freedom to explore knowledge" ,also I said approx. because the paying system is a combination of a fixed charge up to certain limit and extra for every bite henceforth and while some useful info might be lost due to this the benefits outweigh the negatives, human mind as a general rule tends to take the negative path that's why we need restrictions and laws, when people with a new medicine are not allowed to launch it without lab trials they may feel sort of undermined but it's the right way, it takes longer and probably seems a waste of time if the medicine proves to be effective but will you suggest that's a reason for abolishing lab trials?


what kind of porn site even uses the word "boob"

I am like 95% sure it's a pun on single/pair but I will just assume that it's not and say " Every one of them".

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Not porn sites dealing exclusively in men. Or that emphasized other things. I'll leave it at that, as I'm sailing pretty close to the CoC as it is.


That I was talking about alcoholic beverages was, I think, pretty obvious by context. If you want to discuss tea, I will by all means participate.

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ssh -D 10000 username@server.not.inside.college.net


then tell your browser to use a SOCKSv5 proxy at port 10000


Thanks, I had no idea you could use SSH for SOCKS tunneling. Very useful for the reverse - tunneling into college network from home for access to scientific journals. So far I forwarded X, opened Firefox remotely and cursed at the latency.

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Are you suggesting that it's a right on the student's part to use public money to fulfill "your curiosity and freedom to explore knowledge", even when it's knowledge of the kind mentioned, the people generally feel like they are sort of paying for the student's studies and as for blocking info irrelevant to studies it's not as if they prohibit a personal net connection, go get that if you are feeling the need to fulfill "your curiosity and freedom to explore knowledge" ,also I said approx. because the paying system is a combination of a fixed charge up to certain limit and extra for every bite henceforth and while some useful info might be lost due to this the benefits outweigh the negatives

And how about students who live on campus? I'm sure there are some, and it's usually hard to pay for your own access while living on university property.


I don't really object to preventing students from accessing porn at school. There's nothing wrong with porn, but the school doesn't have to be the one to provide it. But there is something very wrong with the idea of a school paternalistically deciding what you do and do not need to know. Knowledge is important, and you never know which knowledge you might need. The internet is, among its other less noble uses, the greatest repository of human knowledge, and it seems like a shame to have ham-handed filtering block valuable content.


I don't object to the intent, but I worry that the execution may do more harm than good.


human mind as a general rule tends to take the negative path that's why we need restrictions and laws, when people with a new medicine are not allowed to launch it without lab trials they may feel sort of undermined but it's the right way, it takes longer and probably seems a waste of time if the medicine proves to be effective but will you suggest that's a reason for abolishing lab trials?

I never said we don't need restrictions, but they should serve a purpose. This is the civil liberties debate: what freedom are we willing to give up for some benefit? In this case, you seem to have jumped to a weird place. Clinical trials have absolutely nothing to do with internet content blocking.


—Alorael, who is all for clinical trials. They are expensive and difficult but they help reduce very real potential harm, protect the public, and ensure that safe and effective medication is (mostly) brought to market. He just can't see what the harm is to unfiltered internet access for adults. The only downside is the cost, and internet access simply is not, or at least should not reasonably be, so prohibitively expensive that it justifies draconian censorship.

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And how about students who live on campus? I'm sure there are some, and it's usually hard to pay for your own access while living on university property.


I don't really object to preventing students from accessing porn at school. There's nothing wrong with porn, but the school doesn't have to be the one to provide it. But there is something very wrong with the idea of a school paternalistically deciding what you do and do not need to know. Knowledge is important, and you never know which knowledge you might need. The internet is, among its other less noble uses, the greatest repository of human knowledge, and it seems like a shame to have ham-handed filtering block valuable content.


I don't object to the intent, but I worry that the execution may do more harm than good.

That is more or less what the college is doing, you can access porn but you must use your own connection and you must pay for it yourself , the college won't provide that and I think you will agree that is fair enough, also the Indian system works differently from the US one , the parents pay whatever we need till we get the job,every student on the campus has an ATM card and we have a bank in the campus as well so there are no differences in paying for a connection whether you live at home or college ,I already told you about missing some content, yes we do, but the end effect is more or less positive.

I'm never going to hear the end of that, am I? :p

I might consider that as a gift when you reach like 10,000 posts but till then, NO.

Did you guys know that Tyranicus gave me a warning? and that he is the first mod to do it :p ?

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Thanks, I had no idea you could use SSH for SOCKS tunneling. Very useful for the reverse - tunneling into college network from home for access to scientific journals. So far I forwarded X, opened Firefox remotely and cursed at the latency.

I have discovered that SSH can do anything. I imagine ssh --coffee would make coffee for you, and RSA encrypt it so Alice and Bob can't spike it.

Edited by Sylae
Wait...are Alice and Bob the good guys or the bad guys?
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Frankly I've come to hate both Alice and Bob. All they do is yak, yak, yak, and yet do they ever actually say anything interesting? No, they just exchange random bit strings, and they're doing it on purpose. A plague on both their channels.


Eve is pretty annoying, too, since she just wants to listen to those random bits. But Alice and Bob don't want her to, and they were there first so I hate them more, so I'm rooting for Eve. Information wants to be free!

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Using username "sylae".
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Linux vanadium 2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Sep 23 13:49:30 UTC 2012 x86_64

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Last login: Wed Nov  7 01:47:48 2012 from
sylae@vanadium:~$ ssh --true-love
usage: ssh [-1246AaCfgKkMNnqsTtVvXxYy] [-b bind_address] [-c cipher_spec]
          [-D [bind_address:]port] [-e escape_char] [-F configfile]
          [-I pkcs11] [-i identity_file]
          [-L [bind_address:]port:host:hostport]
          [-l login_name] [-m mac_spec] [-O ctl_cmd] [-o option] [-p port]
          [-R [bind_address:]port:host:hostport] [-S ctl_path]
          [-W host:port] [-w local_tun[:remote_tun]]
          [user@]hostname [command]


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