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An open letter to Jeff Vogel


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I've been playing your games ever since a friend brought Exile to my house on a floppy disk back in 1996. We had to run it in 16 colors, and we couldn't get the mouse to work. We didn't care. We played it for hours on that day, and I've been playing every single game you've released since then, and doing all I can to introduce people to them.


Fast-forward to now, I'm serving in the US Air Force. I am a good way through a deployment in Afghanistan, and I wanted to let you know that Avernum: Escape From the Pit released just as I was leaving my home in Japan. I cannot express to you how much a difference a simple game can make. No matter what happens out here, I've been so happy to come back to my room. I have a brand new laptop that has no problems running Skyrim or Deus Ex, but I played your game exclusively until every sidequest was finished.


I just wanted to let you know that you have shaped the way I play, and evaluate other games. Your work is the yardstick by which I measure value in games, and I look through your catalogue with fond memories. Getting to play another new release just as I get sent to my own Avernum of sorts made my situation a little more tolerable. If I make it out of here, and I'm ever in Seattle, I'd like to buy you a beer.


Thank you, Jeff, for the memories, and for all the fun.




An Airman in Afghanistan

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IIRC, Phil and Kaja Foglio were at the AFK once for some event or other, and since then I have daydreamed of running into Jeff there, shaking his hand, and buying him a beer.


(The AFK is a local nerd bar in Everett, which is near Seattle)


Edit: Previously Beer and Motor Oil.

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