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Oh alas. I'm nearing the endgame(s). I've reached levels 30 and 31. I've let the game sit for two whole months due to Life Activities in the Real World.


So I'm playing last night. I heard the little level up "ding!" but the character's little icon did not turn green, nor did it give me any new points to spend.


Just now I used a wisdom crystal on a character that was close to leveling. I got the "ding!" and the experience bar clearly emptied out and is starting again, but again I'm getting no green icon and no new points.


Something got corrupted while I was away (although I can't imagine how as I haven't even opened the game).


Is there any way to fix it? I've never had anything like this go wrong in a Spiderweb game before.



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Originally Posted By: Californian
Ha. Doubt I'll make it to 61.

I am a bit miffed though. I'm just whiling away my time breaking down walls here in Grah-Hoth's little cottage and I would like to have my skill points, please!

If you feel this strongly about it, what you could do is use the editor - everytime you level up, just go into the editor and raise one stat and two skills (and add traits every couple of levels).
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Nah, "a bit miffed" is not what I'd call feeling strongly. I think I've used the editor maybe once in all my Spiderwebbing experience. Nope. I'll do what the game designer intended.


I have used wisdom crystals, just not nearly enough. Next playthrough I'll concentrate on those!


Meanwhile, I bet I can get through the endgame on 32.

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Originally Posted By: bot.net
MMXPERT, that post doesn't add anything to the thread. Please don't post if you aren't contributing to discussion.

—Alorael, who particularly has a hard time with posts that involve zero words in the English language.

Borked is in my dictionary:

bork |bôrk| (also Bork)
verb [ trans. ] informal
obstruct (someone, esp. a candidate for public office) through systematic defamation or vilification : [as n. ] ( borking) is fear of borking scaring people from public office?
ORIGIN 1980s: from the name of Robert Bork (born 1927), an American judge whose nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court (1987) was rejected following unfavorable publicity for his allegedly extreme views.
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