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Exile III:The journey of getting the game back.


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But first, you should try downloading the game again and see if it's still registered. You need a copy anyway to have a registration code, but depending on where the registration preferences are stored you may not have deleted that particular part of E3.


—Alorael, who would email support@spiderwebsoftware.com if the form doesn't account for one person buying the game for another. You can work it out. Jeff's excellent about restoring lost keys.

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I tried downloading it, and all it brought up was a big black box. The kind you type commands in. It asked me if I wanted to overwrite 20 different things seperately. I tried twice, One for all yes, and one for all no. Nothing. No downloading. So I go to the search function under start, type in EXILE III, and nothing but these three things.


Exile III-Ruined World Type:File Folder.


Exile III Help and Order Form Type:Shortcut


Remove Exile III Type:Shortcut


So, what do I do now?

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In E1-E3, the registration is named Ex1misc.dat, Ex2misc.dat and Ex3misc.dat. This file lives in the directory where you installed the game. I have this backed up in several places (paranoia is a virtue to a DBA). If you deleted the directory and emptied the recycle bin, and you have no backup, your only recourse is to download a fresh copy, and contact Jeff to get it re-registered. Let me know if you need any help.

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