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A-EftP - Best Order To Do Quests In?

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So I am playing this game on torment and loving it so far. Only problem: while the game is ostensibly "open world" this seems to be one of what I've always called "stealth linear" RPGs in that while you have the freedom to do the missions in any order, there is nonetheless a certain level of linearity dictated by the fact that certain quests are much harder than others (see also: Gothic series). So if you stumble unwittingly into super hard quests there's really no way you can advance until you are the right level, so the game ends up being "linear" in a fashion, only the linearity is determined by difficulty rather than the order in which you receive quests.


Which I don't really mind, the only problem is that at the moment I have a huge list of quests in my journal and no idea how to proceed. I find that I am wasting huge amounts of times starting quests only to hit road blocks once I realize that these particular quests might be best saved until later. (sidenote: if there's ever a 4th remake of "Avernum" it might actually be a good idea to give quests difficulty ratings. Maybe that's too much babysitting and dumbing down, I don't know, but it would certainly save time).


Anyhow, so what I'd like to know is if there are any walkthroughs out there for "Escape from the Pitt" (especially torment playthroughs) which might give me a rough idea of which quests to pursue in what order?


If it matters, my party is level 13/14 and I just got done doing the quest where you infiltrate the Slith fortress to steal the plans and kill the Slith boss in the upstairs room who kept spawning those clam things all over (can't recall his name).

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There isn't an order list because some players have no trouble doing harder quests earlier than the average player. It doesn't help during beta testing Jeff only releases sections of the game at a time so testers eventually get bored and try to kill everything that average players would skip.


For your current level you might try either the other Sliths in the small villages to the west of the river and south of Fort Dranlon. The ogres near the Tower of Magi except the leader are too bad. Otherwise the Great Cave has lots of easy delivery quests.

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Originally Posted By: AaronC
Can I ask how you managed to kill the slith boss up there? Got him to half hp and just got overrun by slimes...I ensnare them with daze but they reach me eventually. At around level 12, maybe too soon.

It was a pain, but basically:

1. Eliminate all of the minions surrounding him (including the Shaman) first. Start with the lesser slith, then once they are dead run from to the stairs, exit, and save (you can also return to town if anyone's dead) then come back and do the same to the Shaman. This way for the final fight you only have to kill the Boss on his own.

2. When fighting the boss just run to the lever and open the cage, have your mages on the back half as support, and stick your tanks (assuming you have two) in the doorway to block. Then just whittle down the Boss' health until he's dead (it's pretty easy. As long as you heal your tanks everytime they take damage he can't kill you through his normal attacks as he doesn't do enough damage. He does have a chance of riposte, though, which can be annoying as if you use a special melee attack on him the damage can be enough to kill you. It happened enough to me that I just quit using special attacks on him and just hit him normally).

3. The slimes suck as they take forever, but aren't too bad. The biggest worry is having your healer run out of mana, so just make sure you have some energy potions along. If you stay in that room blocking the doorway you can kill the slimes one at a time. The only ones that are really a threat to you are the last three as they have lots of hitpoints, occasionally do poison damage, and also occasionally cast spells. So you might lose a party member during that last barrage. I had to use a Resurrection scroll during that part to get through, but depending on your luck you could probably do it without. Also, there's usually a lull in the slimes' attacks before the last three attack. So anytime there are no enemies on screen you can exit combat mode and save. It's cheap sure, but helps alot as it means you don't have to keep replaying the entire, long, boss fight from the start.

Anyhow, that's how I did it. It never occurred to me to have my party hole up in the stairs like Lilith suggests, but I imagine that would be even easier. The same strategy would apply, but if there is ever a lull in the combat you could probably just exit the floor entirely via the stairs and save (and also return to town if you've lost party members).
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