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Everything posted by Kinsume

  1. That is good information to know, thanks. As far as the stacking haste goes, that does make sense. Currently I'm just trying to optimize my guy's skill points however. For example everyone in my party has 2nd level of that indiividual haste buff, but noone has ever actually cast it. I'm thinking moving those points into curing or 1 curing/1 teleport would probably be better spent. Currently the party is level 12 and I've just gotten my 3 archers that arcane blade that gives 20% critical paired with the 5% critical rune giving them all 30%. It is a massacre lol. I just can't figure out how offensive spells, or even wands/staffs can compare to the bow on torment. Sure aoe damage is nice, but since it hurts your guys too half of the time you can't even use it due to spacing, not to mention trying to maintain energy through a dungeon while tossing fireballs around isn't easy.
  2. So to kind of setup my current situation, I've been playing the game on Torment and its my first run through the game. Currently my party is level 10 with my main guy and the original 3 Haven troops. Initially I built my main guy and one of the Haven troops as sword/shield tanks, had 1 priest support and 1 mage caster. After a couple of levels I noticed how many enemies cleaved so I stuck with just my main guy tanking, the secondary tank is still equipped to tank but uses a bow in the backline. He is mostly there incase enemies get by my frontline. Essentially my strategy is just to plop my guy in as small of a choke point as possible then have my other units pelt enemies with their bows. All of them have tier 2 of the first healing ability, and 2 of them are capable of casting summons to block holes or mitigate damage. Outside of that occasionally my 2 guys specced for stunning have to use thei abilities but overall I haven't really had to use anything else. I completely specc'd my mage out of damaging abilities, and the only reason he even has terror and weakness level 1 are for pre-reqs to get up to construct. I never use any healing other than the 1st rank heal. Every fight is just a tank and spank for me so far, minus 1 or 2 exceptions. Drop Haven's Blessing, the priest's rank 4 blessing/haste combo then pelt the enemies/heal my tank as needed. Now on to my questions... 1. Do the game's encounters get more difficult or is this going to be my experience throughout the game? Like will I eventually need to focus more on crowd control abilitles or will my current tactics pretty much get the job done? 2. It seems to me like the game is trying to have me do sections at a time. The center first, then I cleared an area in the swap until I got to the bridge where the enemies were higher level, so I went to the south and did all of their initial stuff until I ran into the same issue. I'm about to go to the forest now and do their initial area, but I'm assuming the game intentionally does that? Should I be able to fully clear one area without doing the others or am I doing it correctly? 3. For the stacking buffs, I noticed how Haste specifies that it will not stack but blessing says it does. So if I were to cast Haven's Blessing on the main guy then Inspiring Cry on my other 3 guys would it give me damage bonuses for all 4 blessings? 4. Is there a way to see exactly how many buildings I need for certain equipment? I currently have 3 forts built with smithies for example and I still can't access tier 2 weapons. Overall the game has been a blast.
  3. If you mean my first time on the demo I got to like level 5. I don't consider that a playthrough. I'm refering to my most recent level 20 torment one.
  4. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Originally Posted By: Kinsume Not sure why but it seems like my attacks and spells are missing alot more. Haven't had time to do a real playthrough yet but ran through the first cellar place on torment and I missed atleast 20 times between spells and normal attacks. This is of course with pure str on fighters, int on mages as well as as high of a weapon mastery/mage skill as they could have. That's probably because you are used to playing that level on Normal or Hard. Alternately, you may have blindly equipped shields without paying attention to the fact that they now reduce hit rate. The only playthrough I've done was on Torment, so that is unlikely.
  5. Not sure why but it seems like my attacks and spells are missing alot more. Haven't had time to do a real playthrough yet but ran through the first cellar place on torment and I missed atleast 20 times between spells and normal attacks. This is of course with pure str on fighters, int on mages as well as as high of a weapon mastery/mage skill as they could have.
  6. I wonder why the PC characters we get to make never have icons that look as badass as redbeard.
  7. There are 3 levels of Dispel Barrier that are found in the game via quests I believe. If it says you need a higher one then odds are you either missed the next level or need to wait until you progress deeper into the game.
  8. Have you released new version yet with the fixes you've mentioned? Wasn't sure if the link was updated or not.
  9. The demo finishes with you around level 8 or 9 if you do everything possible (including clearing the slith camp and neph prisoner fortress. For a demo, it is much more than you typically get for a demo in a game, which is pretty characteristic of Spiderweb Games. Once you buy the game the northern/southern entrances unblock and you are allowed to buy boats. You get to continue where you left off on your demo save as well.
  10. On a tank, endgame tossing 5 points into luck can help a bit when most other defensive skills have been maxed. Other than that it is pretty useless. If it added 1% crit chance and 1% dodge per level as well it'd be worth investing in for others.
  11. Exactly. And everyone is entitled to play as they wish, I wouldn't have even commented further if you didn't deny what you were doing.
  12. I agree with the whole world map traveling thing, rather than having everything connected. For this type of game the latter is a huge turnoff for me. I think it was A6 that I tried and it had everything connected, only made it a couple of levels before deleting it.
  13. Well I know with the Neph Fortress place there are a few monsters that kept respawning in there during my multiple trips in and out of it.
  14. I've always been fond of little things like needing food to travel on the world map or your party dies or something. Sure it is seen as just an annoyance by most people but to me it just gives you something else you're forced to think about and consider when making a decision.
  15. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S No. If there WERE no "run back to town" option, I'd happily invest points in First Aid. (Or pay for more potions, or whatever.) I don't like to cheat to alter the game POSSIBILITIES. But I have no compunctions about "cheating" when all you are really doing is avoiding a giant waste of time. The options are use First Aid, Run back to town, use potions, or cheat to heal. The first option is completely viable, the second option is a pain but works, the third option is expensive, and the final option is still cheating regardless of your reasoning. Which cheating is completely fine, but there is no justification for it aside from you wanted to cheat to save yourself time and skill points.
  16. The original Exile required food if I recall correctly. I've played other games that have done it as well so I end up carrying several slots worth of food around with me that I find in my travels out of sheer habbit.
  17. A design decision countered by points in First Aid. Essentially you'd rather cheat than invest points in it, is what you're saying.
  18. Originally Posted By: Kreador If you have Cloak of Curses on, Dazing enemies can randomly curse them, including poison, I believe. You don't even need cloak on. Bosses and certain monsters cannot be dazed. Rather than just saying "immune to daze" the game poisons them instead.
  19. Just a small update, installed it on my Windows non-steam copy and it works fine. Don't have the time to start a real playthrough right now, but will do so when I get home later.
  20. Downloading it now, thank you for putting the effort into it. I will be starting a new game with this setup.
  21. Resistance combined with buffs is more than enough to keep them alive against enemies you can actually fight. For the ones you can't, those points in hardiness wouldn't matter anyways.
  22. Not with the edits that House is currently making it won't be.
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