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Spiderweb is Worthy!


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I probably dont have much influence but from what ive seen and heard and experienced, i honestly think Spiderweb games could become even more than they already are, What i mean is: How many of you reading this post Would think of Avernum/Geneforge/avadon/Exile as an MMORPG? I certainly would play it! And im pretty sure im not the only one thinking it eh?

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here's one: unless you're Blizzard, an MMO is a great way to turn a lot of money into a lot of debt


spiderweb software has a fanbase numbering in the low five digits. that is not enough potential customers to sustain an MMO, especially when a lot of them aren't interested in MMOs in the first place

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From what I've seen and heard, successful MMORPGs are not good games, but addictive ones. I like the idea of MMORPGs in principle, but I think if SW set out to make a good one (with depth and challenge, as opposed to lots of grinding), it would not be popular enough to recoup the big investment in infrastructure.

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I'm sure there are some good ideas out there that neither Jeff or the community hasn't thought of yet. There are also have a dozen that have been suggested over and over. Before making a new thread, I humbly suggest that you search the forum to discover which yours is.


(Although I admit that I am the author of some of this forums dullest threads.)

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Even if all the infrastructure, funding, staff, and other logistics were in place to make it work, from what I've seen MMO can't really encompass the depth and detail of a true Spiderweb game.


Even if Jeff COULD develop and run an "EverAvernum" or a "World of Geneforge", it really wouldn't be the same, couldn't do the originals credit, and aggravate all us fuddy-duddies who like our niche indie RPGs just the way they are dagnabbit.

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Jeff has the most coding experience with single-player, turn-based games. He'd need an entirely new skill set to make it work in the real-time that's really the only way for an MMO to work. He'd also need to put serious effort into improving balance, which hasn't been the strong suit of Spiderweb games. And in the end, he'd still be up against the really big players and probably not successful.


—Alorael, who doesn't think plots are Jeff's forte. Narrative and descriptive writing are. There's no real reason why they couldn't be in an MMO; although they traditionally aren't, they're also out of favor with single-players RPGs. It's still not clear that that would be a winning proposition with the MMO market, though. And the amount of expected content, especially with writing, would probably be prohibitive with an MMO.

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MMO also require a lot of money upfront before the first user buys into the game. You have to have servers to hold the game and be able to take all the players without slowing down,


Then you need more content since once you get through the 40 to 60 hours in a single player game, the players want to do more than grinding through the same encounters. You are talking about players that will spend 5 to 10 hours online in a single session and play several nights in a row.

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Originally Posted By: Actaeon
Oh, come on. Jeff could just license existing games to be coded for online co-op play. You could team up in gangs of dozens to slay demons and complete quests, and kill each other over loot because, after all, there's only one Demonslayer.

Actually, I would have some doubts about a game advertised as "Avernum" that would be related to Spiderweb in name only and would likely make a shambles out of the setting and the games we've come to know.
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