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Taygens ending[G5]


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Just finished his faction and I have to say...Im not impressed. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it, I just don't like it. So what, I came down with the stomach flu, but Oh my god, humans were damaged with this! his wife got killed. but hey no more rebellion? Oh no but My favorite councilor Alwan expired!


Im sorta half in half.


However, I love this game beyond belief.Thank you, Jeff vogel!

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So you could make it say, "Trenton had scourged the rebel menace and lived the rest of his life living in the storm plains. He often went to the dera reaches south shore after purging the lands of the Un-bound too to have a huge yacht party every two weekends. All of the councilors came, enjoyed shrimp, wine, and women and the other sexes, all except for rawal who was never allowed on the yacht, he could often be seen crying against the dera-reaches vault with his teddy bear for being excluded. The end"


Yeah, that would be the life.

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There, happy?


And here I thought some one would say they thought the rawal part was funny


But could you make it say that with scripting? Because I thought that it was all drawn out,with the pictures there. And unless you can make alwan in a swim suit and a Hawaiian shirt holding a chamgane bottle, I don't think that is gonna happen.

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Please don't double post. You can edit what you want to say into your last post.


—Alorael, who still doesn't think there's much romance in Spiderweb games. There are marriages, but romance? There's the very eligible but secluded girl in A4 and Alwan's very subtle possible romance with Miranda. Oh, and the Nethergate GIFTS with their harmony disturbed by the females' cannibalism.

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GIFTS spiders swallow the males after courtship in the Nethergate world too? I didn't know they were that mean.


*gulp* Please don't eat my head! I will be your best friend!


~Pyrrhus: Get your own coffee ssstupid SShaper.


See? Instead of spamming up the topic, you can put what you In Character in the original post instead of a new one.

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That's actually a graphics limitation. Jeff hasn't bothered to pay an artists to make him sprites for children, so he doesn't use them. And he doesn't use them, so he has no need to pay for the sprites.


—Alorael, who wonders if perhaps the denizens of Terrestia are canny about the tendency of adventurers to turn amazingly violent at the drop of a hat. That's partly canister addiction, of course, but it's more their insatiable craving for experience and loot. Hiding your children whenever heavily armed strangers with a pack of creations in tow show up just seems smart.

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*gives a shifty glance* Even if it was good therapy to go into the old exile towns or geneforge lands and kill innocent women and children. It would either be their own fault for attacking a rebel shaper, or for being in a town with guards to kill. It is their fault for getting in the way. Even if it is good therapy I wouldn't kill them myself.


And besides, they are computerized game characters.

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1. You cannot put ketchup on souls. It falls right through.


2. Let me express why I find this exchange baffling by changing the base food and condiment:


"I think salmon taste better [than other fish]."


"Fool. Everyone knows that fish taste better with a dash of salt and a generous amount of ketchup"


Do you see the non-sequitur there?


—Alorael, who is also worried about the "computerized game characters" bit. If those who argue that this universe is a simulation that presents some glaring ethical issues.

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Is it weird that I don't like fish? I prefer steak... but then again I live in Texas.


I personally think that it doesn't present ethical issues. I know that the majority of us wouldn't think about shooting anyone unless under self-defense. I know for a fact that all of us have played a game where you killed someone. We most likely didn't give a damn about killing them either. The simple reason is because we don't actually kill them, so we don't feel guilty.



I'm trying to make my posts longer tongue

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Is it weird that I don't like fish? I prefer steak... but then again I live in Texas.

I don't like fish, but then I'm a vegetarian.

I think Alorael's point about simulations was that if this universe is a simulation, and we experience consciousness, think and feel, then we have no strong reason to believe other simulations (e.g. video game characters) don't.
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Ahhhh I see now. Like Jeff is god to all the Geneforge characters. It is an interesting concept. Sometimes I wonder why God decided to create the world.


The one thing that I think proves that they don't is that you can redo things. But then again, things could be redoing in our world and we don't notice.


Yup, It is an interesting concept

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More seriously, we know game characters don't experience pain. They don't experience anything; they're not programmed for it. In the case of Spiderweb games, most aren't even programmed to simulate pain, or much of anything else. If we ever simulate consciousness, though, it becomes a meaningful question.


My post was a joking jab at your way of phrasing it. "Computerized game characters" doesn't explicitly say anything about what philosophers call qualia and what we might call experiencing anything. Of course we know that NPCs don't experience in any computers we own, but what if we're actually all the NPCs in some hugely complex simulated world that some superior entity or entities are running?


—Alorael, who doesn't worry about why God created the world. God, using most Judeo-Christian views, did it for inscrutable but necessarily good reasons. It's entities that are godlike from human perspective but not from their own that worry him. Would you want the world to be someone's game of The Sims?

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Who says that superior entities are running the Matrix? Look at Watson and the IBM challenge - we're making huge leaps and bounds in artificial intelligence. I'll tell you what really happened. In what we think of as our future, human beings finally had world war three. Now, by this point, all the books of the world had become digitized and the hard copies were all kept in a single location. So during the war, then the book museum was burned and the digital library hacked and erased, humans were left without history. So they programmed the universe into one of their fancy supercomputers and hit "run." By observing us, they are recopying their own history.


The interesting question, then, is that if we are a perfect simulation running say, 5000 years behind them, will we someday create a virtual machine within our own program to find out our program's history? Inception of universes instead of dreams!

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Imagine all conceivable beings who could simulate our universe. What fraction of them are humans living in a universe similar to ours?


—Alorael, who also assumes that quantum mechanics are just a way to reduce the number of processor cycles dedicated to parts of the universe no one cares about.

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There are several possibilities. The commonly chosen one is that there isn't one. This is a simulation, not a game. But anyone could be the PC if we're a very complex game and someone is playing it. Or many people; who's to say it's not multiplayer? Or an MMO? Maybe all deities ever worshipped are the players of this god game we're living in.


—Alorael, who could even espouse a solipsistic view and say that he's the PC in a full-immersion simulation and everyone else is the NPCs. Or, from your perspective, that you're that lone PC.

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Also a reason why the more common hypothesis is that we're a simulation. The point could be to see what a universe is like with the physical constants of our universe, or it could be to see what happens if a system is set to the conditions of 1443 and then allowed to run until all humans are dead. Who knows?


—Alorael, who prefers to imagine that this is all a bizarre AI development program. When you "die" you're judged for commercial viability, and if you're deemed a success you go on to be sold in mass quantities.

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