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Difficulties of GeneForge I

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The bloody? Did dikyoba just change his title along with his picture? MODS CAN CHANGE THEYRE OWN TITLES? thats not fair! *Goes no farther with that though*


Why would they work at McDonalds with all the opportunities? If I went to college, I would probably get a job that involved...You know what? I would be a reading teacher at a high school! I love to read and read over a twelfth grade level. I now have a goal.

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Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile.
The bloody? Did dikyoba just change his title along with his picture?

Dikiyoba is not a he, Dikiyoba is a Dikiyora, and you can just refer to Diki as Diki.

As for beautiful wives, I've been known to turn my hand to that. I usually wait for people to ask to be my valentine first, but since last year nobody bothered, I can make an exception.

Edit: And Alorael does not sue. He shoots, with extreme prejudice. But he only targets those who go on foot.
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Dikiyoba is a Dikiyora, as was already mentioned. No need for pronouns.


And your logic on plumbing is flawed. I simply stated that a good job yields pay, not that only good jobs yield pay, or that good jobs yield better pay.


Perhaps I should have written:

good job => pay

So yes, you can get better pay with a worse job. But then again, there are surely people who think being a plumber is a good job, perhaps because of the good wages. Good is an opinion.

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Being a plumber can be a good job. And not all high prestige jobs pay well at all. But compare the employment statistics between college graduates and non-graduates and your employment odds and probable income go way up if you finish.


Should that be true? Maybe. Does college actually make you better at jobs? Probably, but it depends heavily on the college and the job. Do you want to try to prove a point and wind up poor because of it? No.


—Alorael, who would have strong words with a teacher who used a self-adjusting test and then took the raw percentage as the grade. That doesn't work at all, and it creates a perverse incentive to carefully manage your incorrect answers so you don't end up in too difficult a range. Which he should know, especially if he complained about the nature of the test.

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You actually have to go to a trade school to learn to be a real plumber. So yes, completing that form of higher education would allow you to make much more money as a plumber, provided you didn't just suck.



make much more money. say that many millions (of times per) minute.

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Actually, I don't think you'd make more as a plumber with a college degree. But if you want to be a plumber, you don't want to be a plumber, you want to have a reasonably good high school education, vocational training, and an apprenticeship.


But if you aren't planning on becoming a plumber, or aren't absolutely certain you want to be a plumber, then college is a good idea.


—Alorael, who will point out that most career paths don't come obviously from one educational track, but regardless of the specific degree you obtain a college degree will help. And if you want to do anything in science, mathematics, engineering, or education, having the right degrees is necessary, not sufficient.

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  • 2 months later...

It happens. But please don't revive discussions that have been dead for two months just to comment on topic drift. If you don't have something of substance to add, just leave it alone.


—Alorael, who suspects that if the thread kept going it would eventually meander back on course. Or maybe onto a new course. Change is the only constant.

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